Meta in EpicMafia is something that I think is definitely a blurred line when it comes to playing mafia. I'd really like to start a discussion on the consensus of meta, whether or not it is a healthy part of Epicmafia. It is hard to argue that in competitive play that meta does not play a factor.
What is meta?
Meta in mafia essentially reading a person over the game. It's using the playstyle of a person to determine their alignment.
For example, if you're playing a game of Frontier Justice 2.0 with John and you know that he never cc's a power role as mafia, and he claims journalist and get's cc'd, then you know, through meta, that John is very likely the real journalist.
Is meta against the rules?
Meta in games is not against the rules, and you can very openly use it without consequence. Meta Abuse however, is against the rules. The epicmafia ruleset classes meta abuse underneath cheating, the exact words following.
Abuse of meta over several games can also fall under cheating or sometimes OGI depending on a number of factors.
It is fairly ambiguous what turns using meta as meta abuse (there is no specific game count nor examples showing what meta abuse would look like)
The Problem with Meta
The main problem with meta in games is that it gives an unfair advantage to people who are playing with similar or the same people over a large span of games. Regardless of whether you actively "meta abuse", meta is something you can't really avoid when it comes to your reads. It's not like you are going to hammer someone else over someone you know is scum due to a meta read.
The Solution to Meta
Meta is something that is hard to avoid, and you can't really force anyone to stop playing with people they enjoy playing with. A solution brought up in the past was to anonymise competitive games to discourage the use of meta.
Please share with me your thoughts on meta. I'm very curious to see what other people think of this topic.