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Goldeneye is back.

about 5 years

Hey all, I was unbanned recently... this is a new leaf in my chapter. Me and Alyssa called a truths, and I’m leaving my past actions in the past. I’m going on an apology tour. If anyone feels I’ve wronged you, talk to Me, and we can start a dialogue to fix it.

about 5 years

Me and Alyssa Called a truths

about 5 years
I feel whole in every way.
about 5 years
I feel wronged.

I expected a new James Bond video game. For getting my hopes up, and subsequently crushing them, you shall not be forgiven.
about 5 years
I feel wronged.

I have, for many days now, tried to put together a comprehensive list of things you're known for so that I can make the lore profile.

I've only been able to get bits and pieces from different people and putting it together is frustrating. I also can't tell who is and isn't your alt.

Shoutout to Dzke for giving me the most information in one go.