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Countdown to 7,000,000

almost 6 years

Game 7,000,000 happened on 22/5/19 at roughly 2345 UK time, it was in a banned lobby or something and the game broke and cannot be accessed - this was a severe anticlimax and I hope to see you all for Game 8,000,000 in roughly 83 years

The title says it all

Let's countdown for reasons I don't care about. Less than 40,000 games to go - Countdown to 6,000,000 thread - Countdown to 5,000,000 thread

Game 5,000,000 happened on April 7th 2016 in main lobby and ended n1

Game 6,000,000 happened on June 9th 2017 in sandbox and ended with a lyncher win day 1

It's been 22 months since game 6,000,000 EM is dead

22/4/19 2250 - Game 6,963,986
25/4/19 1035 - Game 6,967,317
30/4/19 1835 - Game 6,973,534
16/5/19 2210 - Game 6,992,501
20/5/19 2305 - Game 6,996,954

Which lobby will get game 7,000,000
No seriously, EM is dead who cares
Literally who cares
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
yoo somebody link the game
almost 6 years
Cya on game 7.777.777 or 8M.
almost 6 years
at least 7mil+1 game lasted past d1
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
game 7,000,000 was hosted by banned user abc in outcast lobby gg everyone
almost 6 years
I got game 7,000,001
almost 6 years
i wont be there
almost 6 years
good thing! the first two digits won't be 69 anymore!
almost 6 years
Less than 1,000 games to go
almost 6 years
I estimate that game 7,000,000 will happen on the 22nd of May 2019 in the evening time for UK
almost 6 years
I predict 7 million will be either a suicide race or TheGameGuy will return and get kicked because we are jealous that he is better than us at epicmafia and we made up fake excuses.
almost 6 years
I wanna be here, pls PM me!
almost 6 years

shayneismyname says

wertyo says

22/4/19 2250 - Game 6,963,986
25/4/19 1035 - Game 6,967,317
30/4/19 1835 - Game 6,973,534
16/5/19 2210 - Game 6,992,501

hi can you please format the dates correctly

thats the correct format though

DMY>>>>>>>>>>>> any other
almost 6 years
I will be there to win it d1 like i won the game 6000000
almost 6 years

wertyo says

22/4/19 2250 - Game 6,963,986
25/4/19 1035 - Game 6,967,317
30/4/19 1835 - Game 6,973,534
16/5/19 2210 - Game 6,992,501

hi can you please format the dates correctly
almost 6 years
Omg I thought wertyo was dead, thank you
almost 6 years

Game 7,000,000 will be in less than one week
almost 6 years
i believe game 7 million will be a suicide race, or TheGameGuy will be part of it and suicide n1
almost 6 years
Wouldnt it be a countup to 7 million?
almost 6 years
deletedalmost 6 years
almost 6 years
Daily reminder that EM is dead
almost 6 years
This is gonna take a while
almost 6 years
haha 69 nice