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Dets and Crims III

about 5 years

Welcome to Detectives and Criminals III! Post below to sign up. There are some changes from the game before.

The players are secretly divided into two teams, the Detective Team and the Criminal Team.

The Detectives know the name of the Informer, who appears to be a Criminal but is actually sided with the Detectives.

The Criminals know the name of the Mole, who appears to be a Detective but is actually sided with the Criminals.


A suitcase is on the ground containing one million dollars.

The Detectives win if the 3 true Detectives and the Mole have received the suitcase without the Criminals guessing the Informer, in which case the Criminals win.

The Criminals win if the 3 true Criminals and the Informer have received the suitcase without the Detectives guessing the Mole, in which case the Detectives win.

The winning team absconds with the suitcases and gets the cash.

Grabbing the Suitcase

The suitcase starts the game in a bystander's hand. Each player will vote for who they want to receive the case first. The first player to receive four votes is the first player to have the case.

Passing the Suitcase

When holding the suitcase, your role will remain hidden. When you pass the suitcase to someone else, your role will be revealed. The Mole will be revealed as a Detective, while Informer will be revealed as a Criminal.

Ending the Game

Game ends when one team has passed the suitcase to everyone on their team. The other team will vote for who they think either the Mole or the Informant is; if there is a tie then the Mole/Informant will choose someone.

about 5 years
smh chan whats your alignment?
about 5 years
How do u know my name lol
about 5 years
alrite chanmNA GIVE IT TO mE
about 5 years
ANYWAY mitch its up TO u now so u do u
about 5 years
good pick i think
about 5 years
Okiedokes reveals himself as a criminal and chucks the case to chanman123!
about 5 years
ok i give the case to chanman123
about 5 years
i would also very much like the case oWo
about 5 years
i would gladly take the case for crims elmo
about 5 years
matt how DEVILISH and dEVIOUS is your strategy
about 5 years
matt has a devilish strategy in play i thINK
about 5 years
Mole here lol
about 5 years
Det here lol
about 5 years
I am too
about 5 years
I'm confused as to what matt is trying to do
about 5 years
lol im obviously a detective so theres no point in giving it to me unless you wanna give away your power
about 5 years
mmk whatever
about 5 years

Chanman123 says

I am though lol

no bro yo
about 5 years
I'd pass it to qrstuv or chanman
about 5 years
I am though lol
about 5 years

Chanman123 says

I frankly don't like claiming this early, but i think the criminals need to hold onto the case and im genuinely confused as to who the other crim is so it is best they stay hidden

you're not a damn criminal rofl
about 5 years
Okiedokes pass to a detective read lol
about 5 years
I frankly don't like claiming this early, but i think the criminals need to hold onto the case and im genuinely confused as to who the other crim is so it is best they stay hidden
about 5 years
about 5 years
Ayy cowmanzz