You think you're hot shit huh? Think you're at the top of the world, big swinging' on campus huh? Well, I got news for you, kid. You ain't. Back in my day we used to chew kids like you up and spit you out like it was nothing. As far as I'm concerned, you're not shit. You're existence is so insignificant, you little cockroach. What's that old saying? Oh yeah, any action you take has as little significance as an adolescent squirrel masturbating for the first time. In other words, you're a rodent. You think that comment carries any weight around here? Guess again, I know the baddest known to man. And at the snap at my fingers I can send them to your pathetic little shack you call "home" and they will clobber you until you're squealing out of your butthole begging them to stop. Prepare to be annihilated you little scum.