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Anon Opinions in Mainbox

over 5 years

Thread sniping mutie:

pick the number of users you're ready to drag and comment it below (1-5) and I'll pm you that amount of usernames. the one thing I ask is that you write your honest opinion down below. brutally. (Possess: I think mainbox brutality levels are too high so try to keep it civil you animals)

I'll try to pm usernames of people you know but if i send anyone unfamiliar just shoot a pm back saying who and i'll give you a new name

don't worry everything will be completely anonymous.

Possess: If you don't trust me to keep things anonymous feel free to scramble up the order or just do completely different names

EDIT: *Feel free to repost and ask for more names

over 5 years
hit me with 5 more, I like this
over 5 years
1. You're really cool and one of my more favorite people on the site. I feel like I could discuss any topic with you, and you'd have something interesting to say about it. You also make competivie mafia games both intense and interesting, and I purposely join tables with you in them to get the added challenge, as I know that I'll be content with any outcome, even if I lose, as playing with you improves me as a player.

2. Much like #1, you're one of my favorite persons on this site. Particularly, I feel as though without you this site would have gone to shit a long time ago. The effort you put into keep this site alive is commendable, and more people should appreciate you than currently do.

3. I don't play a lot of games with you, but those that I do you're an enjoyable part of. Really wish I got to play more with you, as I don't have any qualms about you.

4. A lot of people on this site dislike you for things you've done in the past. While I also condone some of your actions, I don't believe you're a bad person nor did them with bad intentions. I've seen other sides of you that show you contrast against the given image the public presents you as. Really wish other people saw that too.

5. I really don't have a good opinion of you. You're extremely rude to the general population of the site, but demand respect from that same general population. You're also one of the people I despise playing with as it seems as though you push your own ideas and reads without listening to anyone else, and if you're wrong it's the person you read's fault and not your own for being close-minded. I don't think you're a bad person, but the way you choose to express yourslf on the site doesn't do you any good, and your lack of care in changing that solidifies that I'd rather not play with, or interact with you.
over 5 years
I've seen you around a lot in games, and you have thousands but I've never been able to build up much of an opinion about you. As a player you don't seem to stand out much and as a person I'm not really sure. I'd much rather have you on a table than many other players though.

You... Think you play well. It feels like you taking playing bad and trolling a little bit interchangably at times and it can make you obnoxious. I think you can be strong-minded about things and might be a good friend but playing games with you can be the absolute worst.

Nano you suck you gave me the same person twice.

I don't really know you. Your username kinda reminds me of a troll acct and I think you threw some games while high or something.

You're... kinda difficult. I can't tell if you troll every game or none. You understand what's happening yet seem to dumbtell everygame. You have thousands of games and still. I'm not sure if I'd want you on a table with me. I mean the best though, you seem like a sweet individual but? I can't tell how you enjoy EM.
over 5 years
Hi I finally got around to doing these. I randomized the order + replaced one person I didn't really know + added someone else wew.

1. I don't know you personally, but from everything you've said and done, you're an incredibly vile person that likes to pick on every little infraction someone makes. You have a good side I think, deep down inside maybe.

2. Tbh I don't like how personal and mean you can be sometimes, but there's also some times I've seen you be incredibly sweet and genuine. I'm not sure if you're two-faced or what, but I think maybe you just like having control and will use whatever tactic that suits you. I enjoy playing games with you at least.

3. The most beautiful user on this website, although I've never seen your face. Very nice person and also we both survived danganmafia so we're basically sisters, right? I just wish you'd stop cheating on me with a certain fatty whose username rhymes with Fugly B.

4. Honestly, I am not a very sappy person, but this is the one user on this website that I feel completely, 100% has my back and I am so, so proud of how this person has grown since I've met them. There is almost nothing we can't talk about together and I appreciate their friendship more than words can describe. We've been through over 100 hours of anime, and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather waste that time with. You are my favorite epicmafia husband, handmaiden, and anime enthusiast. BOOOOOOOOBS <3
over 5 years
in random order!

6. you are literally So annoying and i cant stand you. i dont get how anyone does. also ur weird hatred for me is creepy, knock it off

7. you make me Really mad and i avoid you as much as i can.

8. i dont know anything about you, even though we play games together. you seem nice, though

9. youre a gross person and i wish some people would stop defending you!you act like youre the maturest person on EM, but youre so petty and toxic and all you talk about is EM drama. youre draining to be around. im so happy i separated myself from you

10. you are a sweetheart and i love you. i regret a lot of the decisions i've made in the past year, but i'm really happy i started talking to you.

5 more pls
over 5 years
oh i meant to say hit me with 5 more but never did so

hit me with 5 more
over 5 years
1. you can be really really annoying and you have a huge problem with authority which sometimes gets you in deeper than you mean it to but i really do like you and im glad were friends

2. i dont know you that well, im friends with most of ur friend group and u used to be in my server and i kinda wish u didnt cause i wouldnt mind bein ur homie. some Not Good Shti happened over the summer tho but its all gucci

3. youre one of the biggest freaks on this site and a huge pos. whenever i got rid of you on everything a lot of people were mad at me but i knew i was making the right decision and later i knew for Sure i made absolutely no mistakes. i regret ever talking to you, memeing with you, telling you personal stuff, because quite honestly you didnt deserve any of that. you do however deserve to be institutionalized or put somewhere away from society, freak

4. you're one of my best friends. i make fun of you a lot (playfully) and i adore memeing with you but i never really get the chance to say how much i appreciate u and The Other One, because u both mean a whole lot to me uwu

5. i really hate you. some of my friends are friends with you, and i cannot understand why. i used to think you were cool, then you started saying some pretty iffy and edgy stuff. i kept tolerating you because you were nice to talk to and we had a lot of the same interests. you kept going. now i can't stand to be in a SERVER with you because youre a transphobic and rude . your friends are also all racist transphobic homophobic pedophiles who deserve to be dumped somewhere in siberia. i cant believe i tried to stand you for so long because you disgust me. no wonder youre friends with number 3, prick
over 5 years
okay I did two rounds so far so I'll do a final round of 5

make them spicy!
over 5 years
5 : )
over 5 years
7. you’re one of the better people on this site… i think we’re friends, i don’t see any reason why we wouldn’t be anymore, but we haven’t really spoken much 1 on 1 recently and i find you incredibly hard to read when talking in servers because you come across as fairly cold and it makes me unsure how u feel about me. i think that’s probably just my anxiety talking tho. you’re a really great dude. i was super sh*tty to you in the past and i still feel bad and disappointed in myself over making judgements about you based on other people’s opinions of you. i believe you’ve grown a lot since those opinions were formed, and you get a lot of unnecessary flak based on the past that you don’t deserve, and i think if the people that still feel that way towards you were to grow up and see who you are today they would change their minds. i feel like this opinion is rlly obvious so i’ll just make it even more obvious and say that a lot of the music i listen to presently i heard of thru u, so thank u for that.

8. i think you’re a very sweet individual, but something about you makes me wary and i can’t really put my finger on what. some stuff you’ve done in your past is questionable but i know that mine is too and it would be hypocritical for me to judge you based off of it, so i’ll just keep my distance.

9. you seem nice but i genuinely know nothing about you

10. i think there’s something wrong with you, honestly. the stuff you’ve considered doing to Save EpicMafia™ is honestly vile, and i’m incredibly relieved not to run in your circle anymore. i think this site is more than just a website for you, and it’s unhealthy and frankly concerning. your irl identity is not something i care about, but it makes me wonder why you feel the need to lie about it. you confuse me, and i think the lengths you’ve been willing to go to to harm people on a computer mafia site are absolutely wild.
over 5 years
1. i like u… i think ur an overrated mafia player and ur just kind of passive and Exist in your games and somehow get carried, but ur a nice person and u make me laugh. i think u can be incredibly fake to people sometimes tho. you’re friends with pretty much Everyone on the site and i think it makes you afraid to speak your mind towards people so you just kinda stay out of it and, by doing so, you end up being friends with some pretty gross people and it kinda makes me think less of u that u allow yourself to be surrounded by that.

2. an angel… you’re very sweet and you give really good advice, you’re also super pretty! i stan u and i’m sorry for yelling at u in a mafia game once

i already did 3 thanks nano you’re worthless

4. i honestly dont know u and u seem really argumentative and irritating in the forums

5. it blows my mind that nathan actually modded you, truly never should’ve happened, looks like ur living ur best life now tho so go u

6. i think u dislike me and i get nervous around u, but u’ve been kind to me especially when reaching out to me after i stepped down a few months ago and i appreciate it. you’re funny and a decent guy and i don’t rlly have anything negative to say about u.
deletedover 5 years
1) I mean you're on the mod team and i think you don't like how i always talk about useless shit in gold, but youre voice on discord is adorable!!! hopefully you can see past my adolescent annoyingness and we can be frens :p

2) AHAHAAHA I remember when i joined my like 3rd game when i was a no avi and you were here. All i gotta tell you from my perspective is that you seem chill, but youre also on the mod team so you prob don't like me either.

Not even I would consider you're total garbage that you ATTEMPT to pull off in games. Do us all a favor and stop postin pics of yourself yeah?
over 5 years
give me 5 friends because i want to write something nice about them
over 5 years
I'd like some people to talk about.
Let's just hope I know em.
over 5 years
11. kind of awkward, doesn't understand boundaries. the more i get to know u the more the less i want to know you

12. jealousy is a disease b*tch! get well soon!!! xoxo <3

13. rly happy that ur a mod now, ur super sweet and we dont talk much but two of my closest friends on here adore you and you're always super sweet to me when we talk. you seem like someone i'd enjoy spilling tea with.

14. sandbox troll. ur not funny. uninstall epicmafia asap.

15. ur a nice person but ur a little weird? i appreciate u trying to converse with me off em but i absolutely hate small talk about random topics n i thought ud pick up on that if i didn't reply as much but u didnt. rip. ur still v young so there's def time for u to mature n shit but i'm not really sure i wanna be friends with who you are now.
deletedover 5 years
5 please
over 5 years
6. idk this guy was jon snow for a while then he was never jon snow but he loves me for some reason who tf knows why
7. I thought this person was ok but then they joined weeb club and sucked (someone's) dlck so hard he nearly said something racist accidentally
8. person who's dlck got sucked, lives on the ram ranch, blows people for bus money and then walks home
9. is a lesbian, should have her name back, admin is literally an idiot
10. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl I knew I would get this person eventually. most toxic player, over-emotional, makes drama out of nothing, pretends to be nice but is really a clnt, is from greece but pretends to be japanese because 'she' is a weeb, also probably a sweaty 47-year-old man with shltstained tighty-whities who lives in his dead grandmother's basement, doesn't know his grandmother is dead because he hasn't gone upstairs in over 3 years, which was the last time he had cheetos, spaghettios and hot pockets delivered to the house, smells like that gravy that collects in the gutters of NYC streets, immune to the dark, weak to sunlight, sustains itself by doing half a pushup and getting 3 hours and 27 minutes of sleep every night, cumulative IQ score of 17 from the 3 times he took the test, MBTI type doesn't exist because no adult in real life has the social skills of a toddler
over 5 years
scrooge i know exactly who you're talking about the puns are too revealing you idot
over 5 years
1. I call u mitrapolitan because ur the center of my life

2. shave your hairy toes you red dog u look like a fool

3. I recently found out ur name is a play on goldie locks and since then I’ve been obsessed with u

4. I like curry too

5. muki mouse club house
over 5 years
did anyone get me so far
please confess
over 5 years
5 ?
over 5 years
6. This user used to be on par with JamalMarley in terms of shenanigans, but now they're a wannabe who hangs around with the very people who condemned and nearly destroyed their reputation on this site. Hypocritical user.

7. Confusing user. Used to just parrot everything that a much more popular user said because they hung out a lot. Now it seems their social group has morphed in a completely different direction and they blend into the faceless mass that is UwU weebism in Sandbox... wait, do I have the correct person? This user has actually gone through so many name changes that I'm not sure I know who I'm talking about.

8. This user is a good person but could stand to get some better friends, because it appears their friends keep encouraging them to go out and do thing that ultimately make them look foolish. They've never given me trouble, though.

9. Great user, great friend. I would like to see them climb out of the depressive slump they're in. They pay attention in Sandbox games which is also a bonus.

10. Funny user if a bit edgy, I'd call them a friend or acquaintance. We've talked extensively outside of games and share a lot of our friend circles but don't actually hang out a lot.

Five more.
over 5 years

Scrooge says

me but make it a haiku

Welcome to the thread.
I take it you want some names,
Check your messages~
over 5 years
2.You're cute and I'm glad I bonded with you over avatars (even though people still ask me if I'm you on that account) when I first came back from 5 year hiatus. You showed me the wide world of discord and my life has never been the same. We don't play much anymore bc drama or whatever, but you're always my daughter and I always <3 you.
1. Hi queen you're the best and always nice to me even though you rage all the time. It's ok. Ily and I'm glad number 2 on my list brought me to you bc you're great. I'm glad I can be one of your army and I'll always be mama marsh <3
over 5 years
pls 5 moar