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every user that i'm thankful for

over 5 years

it's thanksgiving and i wanna make a post that i've been planning to make for years but never really had enough reason/substance to until now.

this is every user that i've met/known primarily from this site (that i can remember) that i'm thankful for. hope you all enjoy.

i'm gonna forget a lot of people so please forgive me if your name isn't on the list but you think it should be.

starting as far back as i can remember, 2013:

Swoonis - originally introduced me and my stepbrother to this game. he discovered the game via 4chan and didn't actually start playing public matches until 2012 when this account was first made, albeit i myself didn't start until 2013 so that's when me and him first started playing together. he's been my closest friend for the past almost decade, so while we didn't meet on epicmafia, the time we spent together here on this site has definitely been a huge part of our friendship thus i believe he truly deserves this kind of a tribute.

Guile - without a doubt one of the most therapeutic guys i've ever met during what was definitely the toughest time in my life. i'm so grateful to this dude and would love to be able to talk to him again one day.

Christopherzilla - to date still the greatest sandbox owner of all time. lots of fond memories with this legend.

Kenny - a true OG, i'm a little critical of how he developed beyond 2013 but as a whole still someone i think of with a positive manner and hold pretty dearly to my heart.

(kitty)keri - generally just a great friend and nice person to talk to.

guisergirl - again just a fantastic friend

Phawkewe50 - another therapeutic person, one day hope to get a chance to apologize for the heartache i caused her back in the day.

HEAVY HEARTED honorable mentions to Wubat, Nikke, Nitroxium, rockgirlnikki (sorry for the falling out we had), Sishen, LuapNoir, luis4rod, Maxog, PissProblems, and Plissken - all GREAT people that i'm happy to have spent time with.

and of course to everyone i forgot - you're no more or less important than anyone else on this list, just my brain only has so much to remember. sorry!

i quit for a while, leaving late 2013 and returning for one day in 2014. my real comeback was in late 2015, where i met a lot more great people:

Kyanite - definitely the one person who made this game enjoyable for me again, and kept me coming back time and time again in times where i probably wouldn't have otherwise. eternally grateful to you and hope we get to talk again one day.

two ladies, SnowyB and Gloria (can't remember Gloria's main account, she had a lot of them so i just refer to her by name) - both two people who opened my eyes and showed me how emotionally connected i can get to people i've never met in person. will always love both of you with all of my heart.

oneoh - spent a lot of time talking to this guy outside of epicmafia and am glad i did, definitely one of the coolest and chillest guys i've ever met. sorry things ended the way they did.

alicetama - a great friend and someone i was always happy to see pop up in my games.

ayyyyylmao - another fantastic friend i'm glad i met. helped me quite a bit during tough times.

NekoMANRI - another great friend who i was always glad to see in games.

more heavy hearted honorable mentions to alexythegreat, CollegeGyrl, Lyre, DrSharky, Euphrasie, Golbolco, Shuckle, Ace, Cytomander, dia, moonlightseal, vaporweva, Jampire, DouradaGrelhada, and MissLynch - all great people as well, still talk to/see many of you around even to this day. glad i met all of you.

again, lots of love and respect to anyone i forgot as well. less people this time but definitely still a few.

i also ended up quitting partway through 2016, giving my account to someone else to get it banned for a while while i dealt with more serious matters. i came back late in 2017 under a new name (which i changed in early 2017), and met even more great people:

bone - literally my best friend ever and without a doubt someone i'm ETERNALLY grateful towards. we've been talking almost every single day since february and i've loved every second of it. without a doubt someone i consider family more than my actual biological family and someone i hope to always be friends with for as long as i live. love you lots, bone senpai.

mysteriouscrystals - i forgot how we even met, but i really do love talking to you and am glad we did meet. seriously one of the most interesting and entertaining people i've ever met.

geminiqueen - someone i had a lot of positive feelings towards from the moment i met them and someone i really wish i got closer to. a great friend, never a moment of boredom when talking to her.

pastelaries - someone else i hope i'll one day have a chance to apologize to. another great friend.

cory - i know you've been on the site for a reeeeeally long time, but i never knew you personally before 2017. i don't agree with a lot of the things you say, but i do respect how you treat your friends and the fact that you kept things around here really interesting for so long.

littlewhitey - one of the first new people i spoke to upon my return, definitely a great friend who always treated me really well.

and for the final wave of heavy hearted honorable mentions: Herredy, aboveandbeyonce, jyshuhui, COINTOSSUSER420, momokas, WeenieButtWarrior, MusicBoT, Llewell, Associate, cub, Uprizzle, hedger, FilthyLawn, jingahegami, Travis, zela, and jacobkrin - all fantastic people that i'm glad to have met.

and once again, love and respect to the few people i forgot. i know there will always be some.

i quit for a while earlier this year but came back a few weeks ago. still, even in this short time, i've been lucky enough to meet one other really great person:

Volley - really grateful to him just for looking past my vulnerability and powering through his own problems just to help me and make me feel a little better during my own tough times. without a doubt extremely therapeutic, thoughtful, and possessing one of the biggest hearts of anyone i've ever met.

quick honorable mentions to Moldyches and YellowPear - just for being super cool people who i also had the honor of meeting during these last few weeks.

and of course, this entire list considered, to everyone i did forget. maybe i'll try to update this list in some way in the future, but for now, this is everyone i'm extremely thankful for that i know primarily from epicmafia. lots of love to all of you, and i hope that this list only grows, both physically and spiritually, as we continue on into the future.

for anyone who may not be 100% sure of who i am, my names over the years have been Guthix, Alne, Xethora, and now PrinceAltoid.

over 5 years
Wow, this means so much to me!
over 5 years

PrinceAltoid says

go find something better to do.

over 5 years
she's a raving transphobic racist loon but she gives me headpats uwu
over 5 years
jesus what could your leanings possibly be when buying into insidious conspiracy theories and posting severely inflammatory shіt For Innocent Harmless Fun or not is just a little itty bitty disagreement
over 5 years

shint says

being nice to friends is kind of a given so maybe consider why you feel anything positive for a freak with a fetish for nationalist reactionarism

uh, because i don't judge an entire person's identity over their political beliefs?

please, show me where her beliefs have ever actually hurt anyone. why should i care about what people believe in if they're not hurting anyone with said beliefs? who am i to say someone's wrong and i'm right over differing beliefs? i genuinely apologize for not judging an entire person's identity over a few things that they say that i disagree with, and instead focusing on the hundreds of positive things about their personality.

and all things considered, "being nice to friends is kind of a given" is such a flawed point to make in this context. take a moment of your time to consider the fact that i'm making a very specific "people i'm thankful for" post and not a "people who are nice to their friends" post. if someone goes above and beyond the call of duty as a friend it would be absurd to not at least have a little bit of thankfulness towards them.

and the funny thing is, i literally said in my original post specifically that i don't agree with a lot of the things cory says. so we seem to agree on a lot of things, it's just clear that cory seems to have rubbed you in a bad spot at some point and you're trying to use that as a scapegoat to ruin someone's innocent, harmless fun and cheer that they're trying to spread in a post that's nothing more than wholesome happiness. all because i said a good friend of mine is a sweet, kind-hearted person despite the fact that she says some things that i don't agree with.

go find something better to do.
over 5 years
being nice to friends is kind of a given so maybe consider why you feel anything positive for a freak with a fetish for nationalist reactionarism
over 5 years
yeah guess i'm an idiot for judging someone on how they act towards you and many of your/their other friends on a personal level and not for judging them on how they act anonymously on an internet card game. god what was i thinking!!!
over 5 years
over 5 years

rigby says

this is so cute and heartwarming i think if everyone else on this site were as thankful and kind as you it would be a lot less of a shithole.......heppy thanksgiving evewyone

really glad to see someone else wanting to spread a little cheer <3

dzke says

not to be a gay sap but

this bad boy here is a really sweet guy,,,, i love him with all of my heart and he's a real joy to talk to

recently he sent me a video that always cheers me up when i'm sad !!!! i love it

i really didn't think i'd ever be friends with him considering our first interaction was me being a pissbaby to him

but i'm really glad he reached out randomly,,, he's honestly a really great friend and i love him...

best quality: his memes

i love u a lot ;-; so glad we got close

Shwartz99 says

I think I first met you when you were using the Xethora account and I have to say that you're a really great guy. I had no idea you were here for so long, but I'm glad you came back! :D

:D thanks a bunch man!

jingahegami says

o i just saw this fdjhf

tysm <3 i hope you had a way better thanksgiving than i did

mine was tons better than i thought it'd be :D thanks and sorry yours didn't go well :(

shint says

thankful to cory???? THE cory ?????????

you should get to know her a bit more, she's a sweetheart who does a lot for her friends.
over 5 years
thankful to cory???? THE cory ?????????
over 5 years
o i just saw this fdjhf

tysm <3 i hope you had a way better thanksgiving than i did
over 5 years
I think I first met you when you were using the Xethora account and I have to say that you're a really great guy. I had no idea you were here for so long, but I'm glad you came back! :D
over 5 years
please revive sandbox
over 5 years
not to be a gay sap but

this bad boy here is a really sweet guy,,,, i love him with all of my heart and he's a real joy to talk to

recently he sent me a video that always cheers me up when i'm sad !!!! i love it

i really didn't think i'd ever be friends with him considering our first interaction was me being a pissbaby to him

but i'm really glad he reached out randomly,,, he's honestly a really great friend and i love him...

best quality: his memes
over 5 years
this is so cute and heartwarming i think if everyone else on this site were as thankful and kind as you it would be a lot less of a shithole.......heppy thanksgiving evewyone
over 5 years
thanks happy thanksgiving to you too and all the rest of you who celebrate it!
over 5 years
happy thanksgiving everyone!