Hello everyone! I'm Shwartz99, new owner of Sandbox Lobby. For the first few days, I'll be mostly trying to get used to all of this (it's pretty exciting, and I've ). Give me a week, and there's going to be a new poll, a new vote for emotes, a new background, a new banner, and minigame cycling will take place. For now, though, sit tight and I'm going to try to work with the admins to disable closed role role games in Main and bring people back.
As for appointing lobby mods, I will do this if one of the two conditions happens: Lucid expands power of role mods, or Sandbox forums become more active.
With passworded games, I've been told that the people in those games are the exodus of non-english speaking dangans. For now, I will not disallow them.
I'll also create a thread for my actions or I'll make a mod actions thread if I add lobby mods.
Oh and I'd just like to publicly thank dooze for this opportunity to revive Sandbox!