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EM ORGs Players Database

over 6 years


Welcome everyone!

Basically for the last few days I have been working on this:

It is a spreadsheet which includes every player of the 2 main Epicmafia ORGs (EMBB + EMVV) plus my baby the biggest side EM ORG (SBBB)

It's nothing super fancy but I thought it would be an interesting thing to have around as it can help when casting to see metas, how players did in other ORGs, etc

The doc contains which seasons each player played, their placement, averages of placements, how many seasons overall they played, among other stuff.

It includes quite a bunch of filters as well, so you have can have an easy time navigating it. For those who don't know, here is where you have to click to see the filters: I don't know if this feature is available on mobile, with a quick search I couldn't find it but also I don't have spreadsheets app downloaded so maybe it is there.

I 100% appreciate any feedback, suggestions on how to make it better, as well as reporting any mistake you may see, as I did input everything manually and on my own so it is likely there are a few mistakes.

I will be trying to keep it updated, and I should have no problem doing so except during my trip in December, but by then I'll just give permissions to one of the hosts in charge of whatever season is going on so they can update it for me.

At the moment I'm only including these 3 ORG series, as they are the longest running and the others are either dead or took a different path than having them epicmafia focused. Sandbox Survivor is an exception which I may consider adding in the future if we get delivered a couple more seasons but I didn't want to include when we only have one.


Filters are an important part of this, as they will help you to sort out what you want to see.

By default I basically put players in order of when they played EMBB and their placement (last to first). Then I did the same with the EMVV players that hadn't played EMBB, and finally I did the same with the SBBB players that didn't play neither EMBB nor EMVV.

Here is a description for the filters and what they do

Alphabetically: Shows all players alphabetically.

Average Placement: Shows all players ordered from best average to worst average. The average includes the 3 series.

Average Placement More Than One Season: Same as above, except it only shows people who have played more than one season overall. It doesn't matter if it was 2 seasons of one series and none of the others, or 1 season from EMBB and one from EMVV, so long as they played at least 2 seasons out of any of the 3 series.

EMBB + EMVV + SBBB: Only shows the players who have played all 3 series.

EMBB + EMVV / EMBB + SBBB / EMVV + SBBB: Only shows the players who have played those 2 series. They may or may not have played the other.

EMBB + EMVV Average: Sorts from best average to worst average based on the people who played both EMBB and EMVV. Their SBBB placements do not affect this sorting.

Played SBBB / Played EMBB / Played EMVV: Shows only the players who have played the series. They may or may not have played the others.

SBBB Average / EMVV Average / EMBB Average: Sorts by best to worst average on the indicated series. Placements from other series do not affect this sorting.

Most Seasons Played: Sorts players by how many seasons they have played overall. Includes all 3 series.

ONLY PLAYED EMBB / ONLY PLAYED EMVV / ONLY PLAYED SBBB: Shows the people who have only played one of those series and have not played either of the other two.

Males Only / Females Only / Non-Binary Only: Shows only the players of the selected gender.

Only Winners: Shows only the winners of a season. Includes all 3 series.

Only Trophier: Shows only the trophiers of a season. Includes all 3 series.

EMBB1...SBBB5:All Stars: Only shows the people who participated in the selected season.

Hosted ORGs: Shows only players who have hosted at least a season in the series, from most seasons hosted to least seasons hosted.

Awards: Shows only the players that have received either POTS or FF awards.

Those are all I have at this moment but I'm sure over the days I will be adding some more and I also accept suggestions.

Fun facts

1) deandean is currently the person who has played the most seasons overall, with 6. (3 EMBB, 1 EMVV, 2 SBBB)

2) The EMBB6 cast is currently the one with the most trophies, with 13. If we don't include all returnees seasons, then it is EMBB3 with 9.

3) There is a total of 186 players, and only 15 of those have played all 3 series.

4) Zeezo and dooze are the only players to have only played in one series but have 3 seasons played (Zeezo with EMBB 3, 4, 6 and dooze with SBBB 1, 2, 5)

5) While looking at it there is not a clear tendency of males or females doing better or worse than the other, I was able to conclude one things: The male average is currently 10.3 while the female average is 9.2. However, due to SBBB5 and EMBB9 currently being on-going (and both casts only having males left) players still in those seasons have a TBA average which will probably improve the male average since both seasons are advanced enough.

Alright that's all for now, I hope some of you enjoy this, and if you don't thats fine I did this because I was bored.

But if you did enjoy it I do appreciate feedback and suggestions!! So let me know!

Best EM ORG Season? (Top ten finished seasons IMO)
over 6 years
With the second season coming up, I updated this to include SBVV, with its filters

Played SBVV: Show all players to have played SBVV at some point

SBVV1: Shows all players in SBVV1

SBVV Average: Shows all players ordered by their SBVV average.

ONLY PLAYED SBVV: Shows the players who have played SBVV but not EMBB, EMVV or SBBB

EMBB + EMVV + SBBB + SBVV: Shows the players to have played all 4 series.
over 6 years

SirAmelio says

Update: Database has been updated to reflect the changes of the end of EMBB9 + the start of EMVV6

we love a 12 place improvement
over 6 years
Update: Database has been updated to reflect the changes of the end of EMBB9 + the start of EMVV6
over 6 years
The king
over 6 years
Update: Averages and rankings for the Epicmafia Olympics as well as filters for them
over 6 years
give me honorary pots for embb3
over 6 years
my legacy on em is restricted to my first org zowie
over 6 years
also added a filter to show people who only played one season overall, might be useful if you need to do some "recruiting" for a season
over 6 years

loris says

i didn't come 9th in emvv3 :(((( i played oh so well in that org how dare u rob me like that... i came 7TH!

over 6 years
i didn't come 9th in emvv3 :(((( i played oh so well in that org how dare u rob me like that... i came 7TH!
over 6 years
it doesnt show up on neither embb statistic nor embb7 thread, monte did win Fan Favorite though
deletedover 6 years
i BELIEVE embb7 had pots and it was monte but i might be wrong
over 6 years
Added a column indicating Awards for Fan Favorite and Player of the Season. The people with them will have a note on the awards indicating which season they got them from.

Added a filter that only shows winners of awards.

To take in mind:

1) Player of the Season was not an award during EMBB1, EMBB2, EMBB3, EMBB4, EMBB5 and EMBB7. At least not based on the records thread, but if anyone has conflicting information and can let me know the winners, I'll take it.

2) Fan Favorite was not an award during SBBB1.

3) In SBBB and recent EMBB and EMVV seasons (EMBB8 and EMVV5) there are other awards given such as "Best Diary Room/Confessional" or "Best Pre-Juror". At the moment I will not include these awards but if in the future these are given regularly by EMBB and EMVV I may include them later on.
over 6 years
Added a column indicating how many times people have hosted plus a filter who only shows people who have hosted.

Added two unfilled columns for what I posted above about the Olympics but i will wait for the information before doing anything
over 6 years
over 6 years
I could add a column with the placements and a filter to see players that participated in them + filter to sort by average/placement but I won't add it on things that affect the other ORGs
over 6 years
Add Olympics per chance? I'll give you all the data
over 6 years
I'll add SBVV once there are a couple more seasons
over 6 years
very cool but in my unbiased opinion you should add sbvv
over 6 years
over 6 years
This is awesome!