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the whole nike bullshit

about 6 years

what do you think?

so nike had this guy who kneeled during the nfl in a campaign and people are mad
i couldnt care less
currently burning my nikes
fucking white people...
about 6 years

SteelixMega says

6. I am taking APUSH this year,

oh ok this is where this all came from lol
about 6 years

SteelixMega says

My high school has a high Hispanic population (I think 2nd or 3rd most out of 30 high schools in my town, even for having low student population), and is one of the few schools that gets a free lunch program.
But oh still, white people have white privilege of uhhhh... not getting free lunch, not having a "white lives matter" movement, committing less crimes against federal law, and creating laws that cater to the minority when it is completely unnecessary.

1) Those designer clothes you see are not designer clothes. The hispanic population is in general so poor that they have their own shopping centers where small companies create fake designer clothes with the logos slightly changed in stitching so they can fit in more at school and not feel ostracized due to lack of money. This clothing costs like $5 a shirt/$10 a pant. It's not real designer. It's knock off to try and compensate for poverty levels. Get educated. You're being gross here in your assumptions.

2) Not getting free lunch because you have more income than people who can't afford lunch isn't a privilege you wackjob. Poverty is not a privilege. Food stamps are not PRIVILEGES. Free lunch is not a PRIVILEGE.

3) What exactly would "White Lives Matter" protest? lmfao.
about 6 years

SteelixMega says

Jeff says

"I, a white male, have yet to see minorities being treated unfairly."

what an iconic post from a revolutionary moronic human.

you saying that free lunch is unfair treatment?

also, being gay is legal. you arent someone who needs to play the victim card unless you are personally discriminated against
about 6 years

Jeff says

"I, a white male, have yet to see minorities being treated unfairly."

what an iconic post from a revolutionary moronic human.

you saying that free lunch is unfair treatment?
about 6 years
1. If law is a human invention, why do you think it is acceptable to try to complain to get the easy way out of things that have been established and perfected over the past 250 years? 2. I never said I was rich. I said my family has a decent amount of money to its name. As far as socio-economic class, we are standard middle-class, and it isn't your job to up and assume that I am rich. 3. Am I not allowed to be informed? Is there something against giving children knowledge? I thought educations are supposed to give children knowledge and encourage seeking out perspectives. 4. Slavery in the modern era is illegal worldwide (except for mainly corrupted African nation's where the government is controlled by tyrants). 5. Are you saying that since our Constitution is merely ink on a paper in a glass case, it should mean nothing to our physical selves at all, and that nothing matters because of it? 6. I am taking APUSH this year, and I know that there was a policy change under the whole slavery thing. Around the 20s was when Jim Crow laws were enacted, but in the 60s they were repealed. End of that. Everyone is free to establish themselves wherever they want in that society as long as they abide by the rules. 7.arent white males oppressed because they can't play the "poverty card", the "victim card", the "racism card", the "minority card", or the "feminism card"
about 6 years
"black people should just stop commiting crimes" "ummm where is the all the racism eyes emoji? checkmate sjws"
about 6 years
"I, a white male, have yet to see minorities being treated unfairly."

what an iconic post from a revolutionary moronic human.
about 6 years

SteelixMega says

But even still, I have yet to see evidence of unfair treatment to minorities.

about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

It could be argued that because Nike is talking on social issues and not class issues, they're not being hypocrites with this ad.

Exploitation of labourers only becomes a social issue if people also reject the state, because until that happens the workers earning five cents a day aren't in the same category as an American.

The other side of it is that a living wage in Bangladesh is substantially lower than a living wage in America, so you could theoretically pay adults a pittance in a Bangladeshi factory and they'd still be making a better wage than an American waitress (comparatively).

about 6 years
do you need to be spoonfed? you're old enough to know how to research it for yourself. research it since it's such a dilemma for you
about 6 years
non-blacks telling blacks how to protest and feel who is surprised
about 6 years
that these things have been put into law doesn't mean they are enforced equally and properly everywhere or even enforced at all. you know there's still towns in the south that are absolutely dangerous for black people to pass through ? going farther back you know that just because slavery was outlawed didn't mean that it didn't persist under other names and policies, example sharecropping (ok maybe you don't know idk if you've been through us history yet)? the law isn't a magical or concrete entity it's a purely human invention. nasty attitudes from the people in power and the people who seek to benefit from these attitudes and establishments aren't going to magically fade away just because someone says a piece of paper must be obeyed.
tell me, rich white boy, what expertise would you have about being any oppressed group? what makes you think you can currently have an informed opinion, especially considering that you're 15?
about 6 years
But even still, I have yet to see evidence of unfair treatment to minorities, and that argument still stands.
about 6 years

view says

god FORBID these """"sjw groups"""" dont cater to me, personally, a rich white boy )))':
these minority groups have already spoken for several lifetimes' worth of speech. perhaps trying listening to someone other than your daddy

God forbid people realize they have had the rights they have been fighting about for about 100 years.

God forbid people stop complaining that they don't have stuff that they already have.
about 6 years

god FORBID these """"sjw groups"""" dont cater to me, personally, a rich white boy )))':
these minority groups have already spoken for several lifetimes' worth of speech. perhaps trying listening to someone other than your daddy
about 6 years

SteelixMega says

Vapid says

"Even though the Natives owned the land first, America fought for it and earned it. Put the past aside and discover the facts: that land that was formerly Native tribal territory is now legally U.S. Territory. Since they made the choice to stay on the reservation, they aren't legally entitled to federal projects spent on them. Those were the terms they agreed to, but now they are playing the "victim card" as well. The terms they agreed upon were, "stay in this portion of land we allot to your people and continue to do what you want without any help from us, OR be a part of our society and get what you are legally entitled to according to the Federal Government. Their choice, their karma."

Might is not right.

okay then, human. dont make cities and towns where there are large ecosystems of animals around. might is not right

Also I am not hearing anybody say that the Mexicans should give their land back to the Aztecs or the Mayans. I don't hear Incas demanding PerĂº back, either.

But the United States gave some allotted territory for their natives to do whatever they please in. That's called being nice, especially where in those territories they aren't subject completely to federal law and are allowed to do what they want without consequences.
about 6 years

Vapid says

"Even though the Natives owned the land first, America fought for it and earned it. Put the past aside and discover the facts: that land that was formerly Native tribal territory is now legally U.S. Territory. Since they made the choice to stay on the reservation, they aren't legally entitled to federal projects spent on them. Those were the terms they agreed to, but now they are playing the "victim card" as well. The terms they agreed upon were, "stay in this portion of land we allot to your people and continue to do what you want without any help from us, OR be a part of our society and get what you are legally entitled to according to the Federal Government. Their choice, their karma."

Might is not right.

okay then, human. dont make cities and towns where there are large ecosystems of animals around. might is not right
about 6 years

Vapid says

1. Nike is irrelevant to social issues.

they are relevant everywhere else, so why not to social issues? i know they are a sports clothing company, but their media portrayal is indeed relevant to common society, including common social issues

2. The taking a knee movement is irrelevant to social issues and Kaepernick seems like everything just snowballed for him.

it is relevant, as stated by Kaepernick himself. He helped to snowball a movement that is completely stupid

3. Burning shoes in protest is stupid.

it is stupid, but there is no law against it other than arson laws for property laws. but most shoes are burned by their proper owners without disrupting others, so no true sympathy there

4. Probably not that many people are protesting against nike, just a strawman from the left.

it is a fair assumption to say that the people in the board meetings talking about making Colin Kaepernick their new face are very aware of the reasons why he is famous

5. Conservatives are still annoying though.people who advocate for causes by playing nonexistent cliches or victim-cards without any proper evidence or awareness of reality are annoying

Vapid says

6. No policies have been suggested to be placed to help black people feel safer from police from these guys. At least none I'm aware of.

if black guys are so scared of the police, they should stop committing crimes and make a better cultural identity for themselves

7. Nothing will help except maybe education reform and pushing black youth harder away from crime through youth social programs and discipline.

good idea, but the media has encouraged the whole "gangsta and not following rules is the new cool" thing and directed it towards black children, who now shy away from any sort of discipline whatsoever. this idea is hard to fulfill, and it is hard to change an entire group like this mentally.

about 6 years
"Even though the Natives owned the land first, America fought for it and earned it. Put the past aside and discover the facts: that land that was formerly Native tribal territory is now legally U.S. Territory. Since they made the choice to stay on the reservation, they aren't legally entitled to federal projects spent on them. Those were the terms they agreed to, but now they are playing the "victim card" as well. The terms they agreed upon were, "stay in this portion of land we allot to your people and continue to do what you want without any help from us, OR be a part of our society and get what you are legally entitled to according to the Federal Government. Their choice, their karma."

Might is not right.
about 6 years
So I would like someone to prove me wrong about the whole "minority injustices" argument.

The best argument that I have heard so far is that a white friend of mine who is a quarter Native says her cousin lives in a Native territory which doesn't even have access to running water or basic facilities/amenities.

Even though the Natives owned the land first, America fought for it and earned it. Put the past aside and discover the facts: that land that was formerly Native tribal territory is now legally U.S. Territory. Since they made the choice to stay on the reservation, they aren't legally entitled to federal projects spent on them. Those were the terms they agreed to, but now they are playing the "victim card" as well. The terms they agreed upon were, "stay in this portion of land we allot to your people and continue to do what you want without any help from us, OR be a part of our society and get what you are legally entitled to according to the Federal Government. Their choice, their karma.
about 6 years
6. No policies have been suggested to be placed to help black people feel safer from police from these guys. At least none I'm aware of.

7. Nothing will help except maybe education reform and pushing black youth harder away from crime through youth social programs and discipline.
about 6 years
1. Nike is irrelevant to social issues.

2. The taking a knee movement is irrelevant to social issues and Kaepernick seems like everything just snowballed for him.

3. Burning shoes in protest is stupid.

4. Probably not that many people are protesting against nike, just a strawman from the left.

5. Conservatives are still annoying though.
about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

aren't you like 13

15, and I hate that age matters here when I tell facts and experiences from a normal viewpoint
about 6 years
People who have made these outrageous movements consult only rare cliches that portray an entire existence of a world where it simply doesn't exist.

Minorities who hate white people ask questions such as, "why is it a bad thing to be a former drug dealer, but not a former slave owner?" which is complete bull because there are no living former slave owners because it has been illegal since the mid-fking-1800s.

My dad, who is a former officer in the United States Marine Corps heard word that there are now braided hairstyles allowed for African-American populations in our military, only to cater to this one group who wants to transcend the traditional standard that is achievable regardless.

My high school has a high Hispanic population (I think 2nd or 3rd most out of 30 high schools in my town, even for having low student population), and is one of the few schools that gets a free lunch program.

I notice everywhere that people act like they are so poor because they are treated unfairly, but I don't see any explanation for why these nearly braindead, supposedly-poor high schoolers have designer clothes, 20 pairs of shoes, studded earrings, gold jewelry, and tattoos. And Hispanic families are usually pretty big in my area too, with around 3-4 kids per family, on average.

I come from a decently-rich white family and I wear only 5 pairs of shoes (1 for walking around, 2 for working out, another for working out on rocky terrain, and 1 for my ROTC uniform).

But oh still, white people have white privilege of uhhhh... not getting free lunch, not having a "white lives matter" movement, committing less crimes against federal law, and creating laws that cater to the minority when it is completely unnecessary.
about 6 years
aren't you like 13