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Racist moderators

deletedover 5 years

Scenarios have occured that, together, clearly demonstrate that the moderator team is severely racist.

Scenario one:

I use the n-word in the context "[name] called me a n-----". I receive a hateful comments violation for using the n-word in my sentence. This was despite my use of the word clearly not being in a hateful context.


Scenario two:

A user uses a racist slur proportional to the n-word, but against another race, twice. They do use it in a hateful context. They receive no violation.


Later in this thread:

The second comment in the screenshot refers to this report which charley gave a no-vio to, of course with no explanation (moderators protect their own)

After being reported for the second comment, bsm still received no-vio, even though it's obvious that if a non-moderator was repeatedly racist after being reported for it then they would probably get banned


Throughout this thread, BSM has defended his multiple racist posts by saying that he is white. He states it is not possible to be racist against white people if you are white. Supposedly, this is what makes his actions appropriate.

Spiritualized, a black, posted "the whites can't handle being called crackers (sorry crackers)". They unequivocally used racist language in a hateful manner. They received a no-vio verdict. This was despite the only purported reason that BSM was not reprimanded not applying here.

Then they posted more racist comments, but received another no-vio verdict


The moderators give people vios for even mentioning the n-word. However, they encourage the use of racial slurs against white people. The moderators are perpetuating black privilege and are attempting to engage in a sitewide white genocide.

deletedabout 5 years

Zhuorb says

anyone know why he masturbates to pictures of his grandma

Please don't try to derail this thread
deletedabout 5 years

Oppenheimer says


about 5 years
deletedabout 5 years
That's racist
about 5 years
Obama doesn't play EpicMafia
deletedabout 5 years Obama deserves an HC vio
over 5 years
anyone know why he masturbates to pictures of his grandma
deletedover 5 years

blacksnakemoan says

Any chance you have a little tool that lets you see who sends these anon questions Lucid?

22 over ~8 months or so

Ask DatG anything!
All Unanswered (5) »
Anonymous asks
stop spreading lies about the lgbt and stop invalidating the lives of nonbinaries. you have never had to go through their struggles so please think before you speak if you are even capable of thinking1 day

Anonymous asks
i heard about that child that you r****. i hope they slice your balls off and break every single bone in your body for what you did.1 day

Anonymous asks
At best, your parents deserve to r*** you as a punishment for lying about r***. At worst, you should be beaten by the people you pissed off until you are dead, which you also liked about.1 day

Anonymous asks
how dare you make any assertion that you are right about anything when you faked being a LGBTQ+, a poc, a victim, a child, and a feminist . you are an ugly homophobic child molester, and I want nothing to do with you on this site1 day

Anonymous asks
I wanna throw a brick at your face you racist, sexist, trans/homophobic scumbag. you are such a pretentious prick and I hate everything about you1 day
deletedover 5 years

alexandra says

narrator: it was him

over 5 years
Here come the "adults" to complain about censorship.
over 5 years

Flygon says

TheWitch says

Black people have an average IQ slightly above room tempature.

it rules that on any normal site this would be an instant ban but

epicmafia in a big ol' nutshell
over 5 years

TheWitch says

Black people have an average IQ slightly above room tempature.

it rules that on any normal site this would be an instant ban but
over 5 years
narrator: it was him
deletedover 5 years

matt says

ignore datguiser, it is yoyo200900

No, I'm not him
over 5 years

Gulag says

Zhuorb says

just let it go, man

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me

you realise that in this analogy you're more closely related to the people coming for those groups than you are to any of the actual groups
over 5 years
some words are just fuked up mate, whatever context you pick they are going to sound offensive, and there is no other way than to ban them from using them. In the country i live in, word "russian" is considered offensive when used in my mother tongue. No matter how soft or how kindly it is used it always sound offensive, like a swear word. It is actually used as a swear word widely. You will never hear that word spoken in media or written in media. Instead a phrase "speaker of russian language" is used.
over 5 years
at least you're not a socialist
deletedover 5 years

Zhuorb says

just let it go, man

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me
over 5 years
just let it go, man
deletedover 5 years

SteelixMega says

Gulag says

spiritualized says

shut up cracker

This is racism

How am I considered self hating to not get offended by being called a delicious snack?


Gulag says

SteelixMega says

Gulag says

blacksnakemoan says

cracker isn't racist lmao


If I call Hispanic person Taco Man, is that racist?

You don't know what you're talking about

over 5 years
Black people have an average IQ slightly above room tempature.
over 5 years

Gulag says

spiritualized says

shut up cracker

This is racism

can't be racist to whitey
over 5 years

Gulag says

spiritualized says

shut up cracker

This is racism

How am I considered self hating to not get offended by being called a delicious snack?
deletedover 5 years

spiritualized says

shut up cracker

This is racism
over 5 years

UniversalStudios says