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Adding Players to Lists

almost 6 years

Somehow, lucid managed to screw up the player search function again. This makes it rather difficult to add people to lists on forum threads, either in Game Mode or in H&H.

So, I made this thread because I don't think the issue is going to be fixed anytime soon and there are Forum Games to be made! Anyways, with some code I s̶t̶o̶l̶e̶ borrowed from a friend of mine, adding players to forum lists is easy. Just follow the below steps.

Game Mode

  1. Find the board_id of the thread you are in. This can be found by hitting Ctrl+Shift+C to open up Inspect Element and Find (Ctrl+F) "board_id". It should have a number value after the id. Remember this number. We'll call it id #1 for now.

  2. Find the user id of the user you want to add to the list. Usually this is the number in the user's URL, with the exception of players who have bought a custom URL. I find it easiest to find their user id by looking at their avatar URL (right click on their avatar, and click "Open image in new tab"). Remember this number. We'll call it id #2 for now.

  3. Go into the console (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome or Firefox) and type in the following, replacing id #1 and id #2 with the values you got earlier.

   $.post("", {user_id: "id #2", board_id: id #1})

When you refresh the page, the player should now be in the game mode list!

Hurt & Heal

  1. Find the hurtheal_id of the thread you are in. This can be found by hitting Ctrl+Shift+C to open up Inspect Element and Find (Ctrl+F) "hurtheal_id". It should have a number value after the id. Remember this number. We'll call it id #1 for now.

  2. Find the user id of the user you want to add to the list. Usually this is the number in the user's URL, with the exception of players who have bought a custom URL. I find it easiest to find their user id by looking at their avatar URL (right click on their avatar, and click "Open image in new tab"). Remember this number. We'll call it id #2 for now.

  3. Go into the console (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome or Firefox) and type in the following, replacing id #1 and id #2 with the values you got earlier.

   $.post("", {user_id: "id #2", hurtheal_id: id #1})

When you refresh the page, the player should now be in the H&H list!

almost 6 years

Shwartz99 says

Bebop says

good shit, stickied

I can make another thread in main lobby for this if you want

it's up to you, i'll sticky it there too if you do
almost 6 years
why does this keep happening wtf is lucid doing with em lol but ty ill find this useful soon
almost 6 years

Bebop says

good shit, stickied

I can make another thread in main lobby for this if you want
almost 6 years
good shit, stickied