about 6 years

So I have always mentioned the fact with EMBB and EMVV floating around, that we should add EMTAR into the mix. Its aboot time that it becomes a reality! It may not offer a trophy (unless it gets worked out) but likely a cash prize for the winning team. Its likely to take place on discord (unless general populas wants skype) and likely to last two months in gameplay.

Atm its in the planning phase so it may not come out soon but i wanted to see the amount of interest for it. Also whether you all would be willing to play or host along me (because i cannot do it alone!)

Are you ready to race around the world?
Bring it on!
Im a Roblox TAR expert!
Too lazy
My legs are broken
almost 6 years
Update: given the positive feedback and interest, I will be going forward to the planning stage. Which means as cosmo suggested I will be assembling a great hosting team :)
deletedalmost 6 years
I'd be interested in playing or assisting in hosting
about 6 years
Work on building out a strong host team, TAR is extremely extremely host team reliant.
about 6 years
I am moderately interested in helping host
deletedabout 6 years
i won the lottery yesterday so i'll fund this