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EMVivor 5 Application Thread

over 6 years

The Hosts

      nattless            jack          eatemuptigs

   Jpriced       beastman2764    Zacharae

                          EMVivor 5: Calypso


Malta: an archipelago of small islands off the coast of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea, these islands have their legacy steeped in history. It was here, that in the 16th century, the small nation of 6,000 withheld the Great Siege of Malta from the mighty Ottoman Empire, with strength of over 35,000 for 118 days. In this archipelago is the island of Gozo, home of the nymph Calypso in Homer’s “The Odyssey”, the captor of Odysseus for several years.

It is here that these castaways will begin the adventure of a lifetime, under similar conditions to Odysseus, as well as the Maltese, for 39 days. Will they hold strong like the Maltese? Or will they collapse under the pressure?

They’ll battle the elements, and each other, in the toughest game on Earth. They’ll have to adapt to survive, or they’ll be voted off, until only one remains to be crowned the Sole Survivor.

The Game

Unlike your regular epicmafia game, this will be played over a longer period of time, simulating what would be a survivor experience. You’ll have more time to socialize and strategize with your fellow competitors. There will be a full jury at the finale, and no blacklists. This will be played over a period of 2 months, and will be run on Discord. The challenges will also be different from what you usually see on EpicMafia, including flash games, endurance, creativity, etc. Just like past EMVivor seasons, it will be for trophies, giving more players the opportunity to play a forum game like this. Players that have played EMBB will have the opportunity to play in this as well, if they feel Survivor was better fit for them.

Players who competed in previous seasons of EMVivor may not apply for EMVivor 5

EMVivor 1

Game thread:

Cast reveal:

EMVivor 2

Game thread:

Cast reveal:

EMVivor 3

Game Thread:

Cast Reveal:

EMVivor 4

Game Thread:

Cast Reveal:


Apps due: June 8, 2018

Start date: June 16, 2018, 8 PM EST


Do you have what it takes to survive the 39 days and take the title of Sole Survivor?
Of course! No Greek myth can stop me!
I think I'll stay home. Nymphs scare me.
deletedover 6 years
better yet: apply AND suffer
deletedover 6 years
bump! this is gonna be really fun!
over 6 years

XFire says

Apply or suffer

I'd rather suffer.
over 6 years
Apply or suffer
deletedover 6 years
we can look into putting previous edgics on the website
over 6 years
I was told the hosts make an edgic for EMVivor but it's not on the wiki? Any chance there will be updates in the future with those being added?

Beyond that super excited whether cast or not.
over 6 years
apply for this! It will be super fun!
deletedover 6 years
y'all should apply!
over 6 years
ya'll need to read the odyssey
over 6 years

benfox2 says

Years of reading Percy Jackson has prepared me for this moment.

I need to study up on the holy books so I'm prepared for this.
over 6 years
over 6 years
Amazing org with a group of absolute legends hosting it. Highly recommend playing!
over 6 years
here to flop
over 6 years
I want this theme :'(
over 6 years
another robbed prejuror here, i also highly recommend
over 6 years
robbed prejuror FDP here, i highly recommend applying to this
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years

itxLuca says

When will robbed prejurors be able to apply

over 6 years
When will robbed prejurors be able to apply
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
Rooting for Annabeth
over 6 years
Years of reading Percy Jackson has prepared me for this moment.
over 6 years
over 6 years
run on DISCORD