Unpopular opinion, but unless you a praynay, does anyone REALLY hipfire?
First of all, I have a very powerful gut. When I shoot someone and get reactions, I can get reads from town and my gut will tell me the mafia.
If I hit mafia, it's basically town autowin. If I hit town, it's harder but my gut will help us win.
I have such a high winrate as sheriff. I was going to Silver trophy last December using this exact strategy until the moderators rigged me out for "trolling" and "Ogi".
My point is, unless someone is blatantly throwing, it isn't hipfire. If I shoot town quickly, and then go on to hammer two mafia twice, then it isn't a hipfire violation because I was trying to win.
People report me every time for hipfire, when not only do I have READS, but it gets no violated every time.
King stays king, stop trying to get me banned again, adios.