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ask bebop anything

almost 7 years

i've been on the mod team for the longest time and i've been on the site making shitposts even longer. i guess people say they dont get to talk to mods on a level like this much so go ahead and ask stuff and i'll answer stuff as honestly as i can within reason. or don't

deletedalmost 7 years

LioneI says

When can I mod?

me too


cat mod team!!!!!!!!!
deletedalmost 7 years
why is the sky blue?
almost 7 years
When can I mod?
almost 7 years
do you have a favorite thing about the site or its community
almost 7 years
what's the deal with black people
almost 7 years
can girls be funny
almost 7 years

groundhogday says

who are reggiebear and sausagedog

reggiebear is reggiebear and sausagedog is an old mod that i forgot the name of
almost 7 years

groundhogday says

do u smoke ciggies irl

not often
almost 7 years

Ally says

what makes u want to stay on EM

i like the community, i think thats the same reason a lot of people have
it's enjoyable even if it gets a little silly at times, i love 99% of the users of the site
almost 7 years
who are reggiebear and sausagedog
almost 7 years
do u smoke ciggies irl
almost 7 years
ban laexio pls
deletedalmost 7 years
what makes u want to stay on EM
almost 7 years

Edark says


soon please
almost 7 years
almost 7 years

htennis says

most controversial decision

i think most of the decisions i've made as a mod have been pretty uncontroversial the only thing i catch flack for is when i meme people too hard
almost 7 years
most controversial decision
almost 7 years
anus or ?
almost 7 years

Flygon says

biggest regret

in terms of the site, probably trying to please too many people as owner of sandbox to the point where i just pissed everybody off

in terms of my real life i don't know
almost 7 years
biggest regret
almost 7 years