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I actually like JM as a mod

about 6 years

We tend to have different opinions on more sketchy reports, but what I've seen so far, he's bothered to leave a comment on every report he's handled so far. Literally something I've always wanted to see a mod for forever now. And I even went out of my way to make a topic over it, just because it's a big deal in my eyes.

Only way he could be better in my eyes is if he clearly explains any rule updates in a easy to find place. And leaving a easy to find code on how they operate for giving violations and maybe one for specific commonly played set ups.

Only way I could hate him as a mod, other than just constantly disagreeing with me, is if he just simply didn't pay attention to his reports as much as he could. But from what I've seen, since he's bothered to comment, he probably pays great attention to his reports.

Do you like JM as mod?
about 5 years
about 5 years

JM123 says

i saved the website back then

i clicked to view this post and was very disappointed to see no instagram link
about 5 years

JM123 says

i saved the website back then

save us again
about 5 years
i saved the website back then
about 6 years

PatrykSzczescie says

I'm very jealous. I was doing exactly the same thing and never got an appreciation thread.

Sorry, I guess I wasn't paying attention when you were moderating. Just replace the name from JM to Party and remove that part about sketchy vios.
deletedabout 6 years
like employee of the month for a closing store.
deletedabout 6 years
site is dead so just let whoever wants to who hasn't yet moderate while they still have the chance.
about 6 years
patryk u gave me troll vio when i shot ur friend who was my hooker read that turns nill.
about 6 years
jm is a legend
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

i hate jm with a passion he just does nothing but spam me with nudes and i am constantly assailed by his wang on my phone :( :(

did u think this was funny before u posted it
about 6 years
I'm very jealous. I was doing exactly the same thing and never got an appreciation thread.
about 6 years
i hate jm with a passion he just does nothing but spam me with nudes and i am constantly assailed by his wang on my phone :( :(
about 6 years
Also don't get carried away, Whitepimp007 will always be my waifu mod, with you probably being a 2nd and blacksnakemoan being a 3rd. 2nd being you actually don't do what the last paragraph says.