Recently, my good friend AleciaRye, committed Epicmafia suicide after being called a catfish by women who were much uglier than her. She texted me her Epicmafia goodbye message and asked me to post it.
"I want to welcome you to my funeral. Stop crying, Hugo... I wanna say a couple of things. Merlot... Being around you, you taught me a lot about how to be a good husband. You know, Jm123 is walking living proof, there is actually a captain America. You're such a good dude. I appreciate our friendship man.
The one and only Charley. You're the first lesbian I've ever met. And I just want you to make sure that you know how much you've touched me.
Next up is Bebop. I know that we're always gonna have this bond that maybe you and I only understand...
The last 3 are gonna be a little bit tougher, CalciumKid. The more and more I'm around you, the more you remind me of myself. Because you love this site for everything it's worth and you. You've single handedly made this site for me.
The guy in the fatsuit suit, xPooky. There's a couple things I've said about you that I'm not proud of. You know there's something in the bible that I wanted to read to you on Skype and apologise to you face to face in private. Now is not the time and place. But after this I'd like to talk to you by yourself and just get it off.
So then finally. Charley. The last time I had on account on this site I learned a lot of tough lessons early on. And I learned that you gotta find one person and put 100% of your trust in them. I thought if I picked you, you'd have similar qualities to HoldenRye. And through my own fault I was wrong. We don't need to get into it now. But on this site, you'll never earn my trust back. You know what you did. And in this game you're dead to me. So don't come to me and ask about it cause its over."
That was Alecia's goodbye. Rumour has it she will make a new account and probably delete that account when called a catfish as well.