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Survivor The Summer Belongs To You

almost 7 years

hello my friends my name is baljeet tjinder and i am here to plan my very first orgy called survivor the summer belongs to you i have participatid in many other orgys but i have yet to host my own on this website i have played survivors big brothers the moles dogs eat dogs and many others and i would like to host a survivor game

the hosts will be me my hubby buford and my other hubby siramelio

there will be a forum poll asking whether or not to do this on discord or skype so whichever one you guys choose will be what it is on

apply here at this link!

Will the summer belong to YOU?

discord or skype
about 6 years

rs1993 says

January 4th? So next year?

january 4th of 2094
about 6 years
January 4th? So next year?
about 6 years

nattless says

that's my birthday

it will be the best birthday present you'll get then
about 6 years
is this org still accepting applications
about 6 years
good im excited
about 6 years
that's my birthday
about 6 years
i have been reminded to do this by one fantastic applicant
speaking of fantastic applicants we have a numerous amount of fantastic applicants and i believe it is nearly time for the game “survivor the summer belongs to you” to start

it will begin january 4th thank you do not miss it
about 6 years
Bumpy scooby doo
over 6 years

MajesticTerrapin says

The poll kinda forgot to ask for our EM user names.

what is your em username
over 6 years
welcome to the team
over 6 years

but i found out because i read this thread...
over 6 years
over 6 years
i do not need your falsities foul wench however i must thank you for the kindness
over 6 years
goodluck hosting
almost 7 years
The poll kinda forgot to ask for our EM user names.