about 7 years

Who else loves X? Can you wait for ? Did you love 17? Discuss here.

Best album/mixtape/ep by X?
? (so far or when it comes out)
Heartbreak Hotel
The Fall
Ice Hotel
over 6 years
the sandy hook shooter guy had a mom, REALLY makes you think that sjws want to say it's good that he's in prison :///
over 6 years
this just in, you're not allowed to revel in the death of ostensibly evil people if they have 1 (one) family member
over 6 years
imagine trying to hold moral high grounds and say it’s good the guy is dead for beating his pregnant girlfriend; neglecting the fact that now his son has no father .

Rock on rockstars
over 6 years
i was really sad when jim jones died because he was like, a human, and imperfect, and i was like "hey so am i"
over 6 years

Devante says

That’s a Pretty fkd up thing to say. Not sure why u think that kinda energy is acceptable considering that someone lost their son

lol you guys got empathy for dudes who beat pregnant women and threaten gay ppl? wild
over 6 years
Lol okay i forgot y’all were perfect human beings
deletedover 6 years
anyone who beats their pregnant girlfriend deserves to rot in hell and i hope he does
over 6 years
That’s a Pretty fkd up thing to say. Not sure why u think that kinda energy is acceptable considering that someone lost their son
over 6 years
i hope he rots
over 6 years
over 6 years
Rest in peace dude. 20 is just way too young. You had so much opportunity.
deletedover 6 years
Florida is always wild
over 6 years
"I spoke to the devil in miami, he said everything would be fine"
over 6 years
seems like he was a pretty bad person with the capability to commit a lot of evil

but i hear he was trying to change, and it's sad to see that cut short
over 6 years
World is crazy . Pretty sad way to go man
deletedalmost 7 years
I sang changes better than x did so
almost 7 years
Sad is such a great song
almost 7 years
Lmao, there was a recent video of him punching some girl.
almost 7 years
all his songs make me wet
almost 7 years
because he wants to make his own music?
almost 7 years

sadgirl says

Why does the man not just hire a quality ghostwriter. Production on most tracks is good, good vocals but the worst lyrics of literally all time.

Yeah why doesn't he just hire people to write his songs for him
almost 7 years
Why does the man not just hire a quality ghostwriter. Production on most tracks is good, good vocals but the worst lyrics of literally all time.
almost 7 years
? OUT NOW LIT ASF Gs. THE SPANISH SONG LIKE YEAH AND EVERYTHING ELSE LIKE YUH AY. Though why did he make a song with a 13 yo ($$$) that was weird tbh. STILL GOOD THOOO!!!!:)
almost 7 years

listen to better music
almost 7 years