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EMVivor 4 Trophy Game

about 7 years

Season Intro: TBA

Cast Reveal and Fantasy Draft:

EMVivor Rules

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                        EMVivor 4: The Galapagos



Final Tribal Council

Chanman123's Jury Speech:

XFire's Jury Speech:

Borrach's Jury Speech:


Markus' Jury Speech:

epicyoyo's Jury Speech:

MonteCarrlo's Jury Speech:

Zacharae's Jury Speech:

ahrre's Jury Speech:

Jpriced's Jury Speech:

beastman2764's Jury Speech:

about 7 years
Look at ahrre getting 0 points, weak link of the tribe.
about 7 years
By a score of 40 to 16...
Floreana wins immunity!
Unfortunately that means Esmeraldas is going back to tribal council where one person will be the second person voted out of EMVivor 4!

about 7 years
The castaways have received their second immunity challenge!
about 7 years
By a score of 13,510 to 8,461...
Floreana wins reward! They will receive a firemaking kit!!

about 7 years
Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal are best islands
about 7 years
The tribes received their first reward challenge!
about 7 years
By a vote of 5-4, hasdanta becomes the 1st person voted out of EMVivor 4: The Galapagos over mxsterstrxtegist.
about 7 years
I didnt make it, I now have extreme depression this is so disappointing I literally was going to commit everything for this.
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
with a score of 3-2, Floreana wins immunity! Esmeraldas is going to tribal council where one person will become the first person voted out of EMVivor 4!

about 7 years
The castaways received their first immunity challenge!
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
um what about the legend, the one and only, Vanessa Rousso??? but for real lit cast and y'all are gonna SLAY!
about 7 years
Meanwhile, take a look at Floreana's reaction to having no females on the tribe.

[03:38:08] Jp: BOIZ ONLY
[03:38:11 | Edited 03:38:15] Chris (Borrach): Seems i missed quite a bit
[03:38:16] Jp: NO GURLS ALOUD
[03:38:17] Will McKenzie (Markus): L A D S
[03:38:17] Chris (Borrach): D:
[03:38:18] Jp: ALLWD
[03:38:19] Jp:
[03:38:26] Jp: lads lads lads
[03:38:33] Will McKenzie (Markus): LADS LADS LADS
[03:39:12] zachary karrington: omg awh w’ere cute
[03:39:13] zachary karrington: :]
[03:39:26] Calin Bocu (epicyoyo): dudes
[03:39:28] Calin Bocu (epicyoyo): we should
[03:39:32] Calin Bocu (epicyoyo): RESPECC
[03:39:34] Calin Bocu (epicyoyo): WAHMEN
[03:45:04] Jp: respect the wahmen
about 7 years
Some highlights from last night! On Esmeraldas, the tribe commented on whether Janelle is one of the best female BB players.

[05:33:34] Euziveo Muniz (Ceevo): Who is the blonde that was F4 with Will, and Boggie? like best female player of BB?
[05:33:42] Conor (hasdanta): Janelle
[05:33:43] Zaden: omg my fave
[05:33:45 | Edited 05:33:46] Zaden: Janelle
[05:33:51] Euziveo Muniz (Ceevo): yeah i want to see her gameplay
[05:33:57] Conor (hasdanta): She’s great
[05:34:03] Zaden: shes in fourteen
[05:34:05] Conor (hasdanta): She’s prob at her best in 6
[05:34:06] Euziveo Muniz (Ceevo): is she really the best female bb player?
[05:34:11] Zaden: imo yes
[05:34:21] Conor (hasdanta): She’s great at comps but mediocre in strategy imo
[05:34:27] Euziveo Muniz (Ceevo): Nice!
[05:34:34] Zaden: shes hot in early seasons too
[05:34:48] Conor (hasdanta): Still is!
[05:34:50] Zaden: lmao
[05:34:51] Euziveo Muniz (Ceevo): who are your guys’ fav players
[05:34:55] Euziveo Muniz (Ceevo): ?
[05:35:04] Conor (hasdanta): Hm
[05:35:08] Zaden: dan
[05:36:08] Adrian (mxsterstrxtegist): are we talking being a basic
[05:36:12] Adrian (mxsterstrxtegist): or like underrated
[05:36:16] Conor (hasdanta): Britney, Danielle from BB3, Danielle from BB8, Will, Janelle