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EMVivor 4 Trophy Game

about 7 years

Season Intro: TBA

Cast Reveal and Fantasy Draft:

EMVivor Rules

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                        EMVivor 4: The Galapagos



Final Tribal Council

Chanman123's Jury Speech:

XFire's Jury Speech:

Borrach's Jury Speech:


Markus' Jury Speech:

epicyoyo's Jury Speech:

MonteCarrlo's Jury Speech:

Zacharae's Jury Speech:

ahrre's Jury Speech:

Jpriced's Jury Speech:

beastman2764's Jury Speech:

about 7 years
A closer look at Floreana's camp:

deletedabout 7 years
a moment's silence for our fallen hero
about 7 years
In a revote of 2-0, Flippo135 has become the 4th person voted out of Survivor: The Galapagos.
about 7 years
At the first tribal on Parias, the vote tied 2-2 between flippo135 and emilymariexo. MiguelCE and Samburu now have 24 hours to revote - if the vote remains deadlocked, the two of them will have to go to rocks.
about 7 years
Floreana and Esmeraldas win reward as well as immunity! Scores for each challenge coming soon - in an interesting turn of events, Parias, the tribe of outcasts, will have to cast somebody out in what will be their first tribal council.
about 7 years
As a result of a game-changing shakeup where the tribes ranked their tribemates, Miguel and Samburu from the Floreana tribe and Flippo and Emma from the Esmeraldas tribe have been outcasted into a 3rd tribe called Parias!
about 7 years
By a vote of 7-0 (selfvoting), ZadenTheSurfer becomes the 3rd person voted out of EMVivor 4: The Galapagos.
about 7 years
By a score of 96-88 out of a possible 100 points... Floreana wins immunity for the 3rd straight time!

Here's the scoring breakdown
about 7 years
about 7 years
Esmeraldas step your pussies up
about 7 years

XFire says

about 7 years
RIP Drew :-/
about 7 years
go jp!!
about 7 years
Floreana wins the second reward challenge!

about 7 years
The castaways receive their next reward challenge!
about 7 years
Wow My draft 1v1d cmon
about 7 years
By a vote of 6-2 over flippo135, mxsterstrxtegist becomes the second person voted out of EMVivor 4: The Galapagos.
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years

MegaRaptor789 says

how could esmeraldas lose when they have challenge god Chanman123

In my defense I did get a point
about 7 years
Chanman123 has received his first strike.
about 7 years
ZadenTheSurfer has received his first strike.
about 7 years

MegaRaptor789 says

how could esmeraldas lose when they have challenge god Chanman123

it's cuz they voted out their best player already
about 7 years
how could esmeraldas lose when they have challenge god Chanman123
deletedabout 7 years
The only time being from NZ in an ORG has given me an advantage