over 6 years

Hello, today I want to talk about skin undertones.

By definition, skin undertones are the colors that come through your skin from underneath the surface to affect its overall hue. It’s not related to how light or dark your skin is; people of all skin colors, from white to black, can have any kind of undertone.

There are 3 kinds of undertones: cool, warm, and neutral.

Cool: Hints of bluish, pink, or a ruddy complexion.

Warm: Skin skews yellow, sallow, peachy, or golden.

Neutral: Has no obvious overtones of pink or sallow skin, but rather the skin’s natural color is more evident.

Knowing your undertone can allow you to choose clothing that matches your skin tone better (look at picture below).

So how do you know what your undertone is? There are 4 main ways:

  1. Look at the inside of your wrist. Are the veins more blue or more green? Blue means cool, green means warm.

  2. Do you tan, or do you get sunburn? Tan means warm undertone, sunburn - cool.

  3. Which suits you more - gold or silver (not which you like more)? Gold means warm undertone, silver - cool.

  4. Think about what neutral shades flatter you best. Does your skin, eyes, and face look better in bright white and black hues, or ivory, off-whites, and brown/tan shades? White and black means cool-toned, and the latter means warm-toned.

If your results vary with each question or you can't tell (for example both gold and silver suit you), you probably have a neutral undertone.

If you could please comment what race, nationality you are and what is your undertone

What undertone do you have?
over 6 years
Also could you tell me what race you are and what is your undertone? I'm trying to see if there's a pattern.
over 6 years

Shwartz99 says

Natacha says

well i get pink with the sun does that mean i'm cool?

but before i didn't use to sunburn :c

you don't need to know your skin undertone to know that you're cool :)

What Shwartz said but also maybe it changes with time and years? Obviously not just randomly but based on what climate you are exposed to.
over 6 years
Silver looks really good on me, but based on the overall answers I gave, I guess I'm more warm!
over 6 years

Natacha says

well i get pink with the sun does that mean i'm cool?

but before i didn't use to sunburn :c

you don't need to know your skin undertone to know that you're cool :)
over 6 years
well i get pink with the sun does that mean i'm cool?

but before i didn't use to sunburn :c
over 6 years