oh i understand. yeah i had a pretty strange tumblr sjw phase in middle school and it pains me to see other people acting in similar ways that i did. im very embarrassed about it and have only recently made peace with this part of my own history. its so embarrassing but life moves on i guess.
as for your first question that i now understand, i dont tell people who i see going through a similar phase that its cringy/annoying/embarrassing because i know that its not something that can be snapped out of. you just have to grow and learn on your own
No, Sana-sama. I guess I asked a question too narrow and it may have clicked with some people but for others it is not an experience they've ever had. I'll try to make the question more broad by asking if you've had a phase when you were younger and if so, how do you view it now? Are you embarrassed by it etc?
deletedalmost 7 years
are you indirectly trying to tell me something tigermom
If you go through a teenage phase (any kind of phase, like a tumblr sjw phase or "I'm a weirdo!!111"), grow up and then notice someone going through that same phase, except that now you see how cringy it is, can/should you be condescending to them about it and just tell them to act normal?
deletedalmost 7 years
in fact the first sentence Sana ever said was "I like apartheid"
i actually listened to you and saw heathers, and i saw it on a particularly horrible night in my life so i think it might hold a strong place in my heart
deletedalmost 7 years
an approximately weeklong journey of self discovery and grappling with ethical concepts. also i was getting tried for arson
actually didnt expect to come back to em especially so soon but they really are right about how once youre invested you cant get your whole foot out the door lol
are you offering to buy them for me??? thats very kind of you tommy thank you so much really appreciate it =)