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Round 480 Explained

over 6 years

I'm making this thread so the community know the full details about the cheating ring that was discovered last round.

Meg,Mouth,Mensroom, Journey were part of a discord where they would play games and be in call at the same time, first it started off with red heart games and then carried onto gold hearts during the round 480. According to source X journey wasn't part of the comp games voice chat.

First of all, we asked to join their server because when they were confronted about it, all of them gave different answers and they couldn't keep a story straight. Mouth denying that the server existed . Journey said we can't join because it's Carmen's server even though it was mentioned that it wasn't Carmens server so this clearly wasn't the reason and when confronted the new reason was because it had personal conversations on there. Meg claim's that it was unfair for mods to "raid" the server even though cheating took place on it and the mods requested to see it so a proper investigation could take place. Also the personal conversations that you're referring to are just you about people.

So before we join the server, meg deletes some of Mouths/TheMensRooms comments which we saw in the audit log (Keep in mind the audit log doesn't show if you delete your own messages). Also the name of the chat was changed from cheetos ring to chokers ring. Alongside this when going through some of the discord messages you could tell that messages were deleted as some were out of context or timestamps were odd and what was said so clearly they were trying to cover their tracks which they had more than enough time to do so since they were stalling with sending us the link.

On the discord there was a suspicious line of when one of them were asking who was mafia and another person saying they are blue. There was also a line where Mouth/Mensroom asked journey to join them on vc during a comp game as 3/4 of them who were in the game were on voice call (to which she said no and didn't join them)(Most likely Mouth,Mensroom,Meg). Also After TheMensRoom was asked to stop playing with some of his friends due to having 15+ games with them, he then says in the chat that he can go on an alt that the mods don't know about to still play with them to which journey told him not to do so which is the only reason he didn't.MensRoom said that they didn't cheat all they did was be on call during comp games talking about non game related things...

Meg claiming that playing with her friends did more harm than good for her when she had a 80% win ratio with MensRoom, I can't even see the stats with Mouth because he decided to delete all his accounts. Why is a innocent person running before the verdict was even given?? Also can you please explain how a 80% win ratio with 1 user is more harm than good? I'll be waiting.

Meg still trying to deny any of it happened when 2 people have literally confessed to all of it and bought her name into it before she was even suspected or mentioned of being part of it.

over 6 years
Whoops I meant Round 680* not 480. Ohwell