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RE: Dog Fucker

over 6 years

It has come to my attention that some rascally has changed the icon image for the custom dog role away from what it once was, a beautiful pixel rendition of a man a dog.

Mods please fix by the allotted time.

about 6 years
People even forgot the cooldowb
over 6 years

Ace says

Chihirios says

30 days, Bebop. Your choice.

this is so ominous what’s going to happen to bebop in 30 days????

nothing, clearly.
over 6 years
over 6 years

Chihirios says

30 days, Bebop. Your choice.

this is so ominous what’s going to happen to bebop in 30 days????
over 6 years
30 days, Bebop. Your choice.
over 6 years
yeah we asked lucid a few months back to change the role icons that are literally porn so if he hasnt done that yet i doubt this is high on his list of priorities
over 6 years
this is quite the tall order for quite the powerless mods