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Joe-vivor: V vs. I vs. N

about 7 years

Joe-vivor: Veterans Vs. Inbetweeners Vs. Noobs

18 players- We started off with these 3 tribes:

Veterans: hp12324 MattPewPew mucklifter alyx Marinette hals

Inbetweeners: CJKelly rockgirlnikki angkoror Knife TysonApostol jgriff

Noobs: CherylBlossom Sun1 lazyturtle2 unicornthecharles RobotBatman muckfilter

The vote outs went like this:

muckfilter 3-1-1-1

unicornthecharles 3-2

MattPewPew quitter

Sun1 3-1 (tried to quit while tribe was voting, so volunteered to be voted out)

jgriff 5-1

Marinette quitter

hals quitter


mucklifter 6-3-2

alyx 4-4-1-1 (tie), with 6-2 on revote

CherylBlossom 5-3-1

hp12324 4-2-2

rockgirlnikki 3-4 (she was idoled out byRobotBatman)

RobotBatman 4-2

lazyturtle2 4-1

TysonApostol (made fire against CJKelly and lost)

--------------Final 3--------------

CJKelly (2 votes to win) angkoror (3 votes to win) Knife (3 votes to win) + 1 extra vote on tie

There was a tie between angkoror and Knife, so CJKelly became a member of the jury and cast a vote, resulting in Knife winning the game!!!!!!

------------My Thoughts------------

It was a very interesting game to watch from my perspective. It lasted 6 hours! The premerge was mostly the Veterans and Inbetweeners doing well in challenges, but the Veterans cockiness led there to be 3 of them quitting, making the tribes more even at merge.

*Note to the 4 quitters- don't join games you cannot play. Thank God none of you 4 made it to the merge. I understand if people need to leave a game for whatever reason, but to announce that you gotta go and not even apologise to everyone else goes against what this site is all about.

The final 3 won every individual immunity challenge collectively, bar 1. Which goes to show that sometimes you need to get challenge threats out when you get the chance.

The final 4 players were all from the Inbetweeners tribe, which was an achievement.

3 idols were planted in the game. 1 person went home with an idol, another played it and stopped themselves from going home and another played it because it was the last opportunity to do so, even if they didn't need to.

Please add comments and thoughts below!

Who was your favourite player this season? (I can only add 10 names hence the final 10)
about 7 years
I'll take that as a 'yes' so!
about 7 years
You'll never get a confession out of me!
about 7 years
Omg, is Tyson really Schikgil??!!!
deletedabout 7 years

TysonApostol says

jgriff says

Let the record show I warned everyone about knife winning at least 7 times

Let the record also show that you afk'd most of the game until you were voted out because of that very reason

let the record show tysonapostol is schikgils alt account
about 7 years

jgriff says

Let the record show I warned everyone about knife winning at least 7 times

Let the record also show that you afk'd most of the game until you were voted out because of that very reason
deletedabout 7 years
Let the record show I warned everyone about knife winning at least 7 times
about 7 years

joejoejoe17 says

jgriff, I felt like it wasn't your time to be voted out at that point. :(

oh yes it was :^)

thanks again for hosting joe it was such a fun game! everything went smoothly besides the lames who quit and i liked how you started it earlier than most games so i got more sleep after lol also i think the f4 twist worked here since you told us beforehand and we knew what to expect. you should give jeff probst some lessons
about 7 years
Hey Joe!! Amazing game! I thoroughly enjoyed every part of it - a fun pre-merge, a crazy merge and an unpredictable and extremely live tribal council! The quits were harsh but no one from the merge on quit and it led to a great game! I'm looking forward to being able to play more of your hosted games in the future!
about 7 years
I think that ties back in to the suicides. Since the vets were the only tribe not to have to vote somebody out, we were (possibly) seen as the main targets/biggest threats to get out at merge, which explains why the last vet went out at F8. People often associate lack of needing to vote with tribe strength, and while that is often true, it certainly wasn't true in this game.
about 7 years
Also interesting to note: when the 3 tribes merged, there were 3 Veterans, 5 Inbetweeners and 3 Noobs. Usually on Survivor, the 2 smaller tribes join up and vote the bigger tribe out (when merged). But in this game, that didn't happen for whatever reason!
about 7 years
Thanks withered! Hope you can play next time too :)
deletedabout 7 years
Briefly reviewed some of it, looks like it was a lot of fun for most players involved! Glad to see you back at hosting, joejoejoe17! (:

Special shout out to Knife for winning <3
about 7 years
jgriff, I felt like it wasn't your time to be voted out at that point. :( I want to host again and I hope you'll play again
about 7 years
The Inbetweeners really ran the game post merge!!
deletedabout 7 years
so proud of my tribe
about 7 years
I should have stated, I meant only the 3 Veterans who quit showed cockiness, like "this is too easy". I felt bad for the rest of the tribe who they basically screwed over by quitting.

Also, yes, a few seconds during tribal makes such a difference. For those who didn't know, hp12324 had his fate in his hands twice, but due to him taking such a long time to vote, people changed their votes and I watched as his whole game turned upside down (twice :p)
about 7 years
Reviewed the game and you were right, joejoejoe17. My slow voting changed up the alyx vote off and my vote off.

Wonder how the game would have been different with no vets suicide. We saw in the 4-4-1-1 alyx vote how much every person matters, so having 3 (or technically 2 I suppose since we lost 1 challenge) extra votes could easily have changed the game.

Edit: Don't think it was our cockiness that caused the suicides. Still sucks regardless, since we only lost 1 challenge, yet had just 3 of the top 11 spots.
about 7 years
Thank you for hosting Joe and great write up. Congrats Knife!
about 7 years
This was such a fun game. And the final tribal council was riveting!!!!! It lasted more than an hour!
about 7 years
Hi Lionel! You should have joined the game!!!
about 7 years
hey joe