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The Cabinet- 1 day ORG {$100 Prize}

almost 7 years

Ever wanted to make decisions that could impact the world?

In the Cabinet, you play in a team on one of various Cabinets responding to a crisis that involves many stakeholders. Maybe you’re an insurgent group, maybe you’re the leaders of the United States or maybe you’re Greenpeace protestors… regardless, you all have a role to play. Played in rounds, the purpose of the game is to fulfil the objectives of your Cabinet, whilst also pushing your own personal agenda.

                How the game will work:

All players will receive a character sheet with some individual background information, their group information, their role in the group and their primary objective/objectives. This will be given out a few days before the competition to allow individuals to create strategies and form alliances within their own groups. During this period players are sorted onto a private server on Discord which will act as The Cabinet for the duration of the competition.

An hour before the first round, the crisis scenario is made available to all Cabinet members. Simply, this is the problem which your Cabinet is attempting to achieve your desired goal from. The game is played in rounds. Each lasting for 15 minutes. During each round, each Cabinet will be presented with specific or general information which they may then use to base round actions off of.

Actions are the way by which Cabinets and individuals achieve objectives. Each round the various Cabinets are allowed to submit as many actions as they wish. In subsequent rounds, the successfulness/failure of actions will have impacts on the pathway the game takes. The Cabinet you are in will determine how your group submits actions. For example, an insurgent Cabinet will be more of a dictatorship, where suggestions may be made, but overall one individual will get to decide on what to do. This is in contradiction to a Democratic Cabinet, where every individual will receive one vote when deciding on actions. The leader of each Cabinet (pre-assigned) will be required to report actions at the end of the round. Actions could range from releasing a statement to the people of your nation/group, to launching nuclear weapons, or setting up a private meeting with the members of an enemy/opposing Cabinet.

           How the game will work (Simply put):

Roles are assigned>Crisis is announced>Cabinets submit actions round by round>Game concludes Round 10 (Roughly 4 hours after)

          How the winner will be decided:

The winning Cabinet will be announced immediately. The individual winner of the prize money, however, will be announced 24 hours after the competition. This will give the judges the time to review the chatlogs in each of the Cabinets and compare actions against the three criteria.

1. Achievement of Cabinet goals and understanding of Cabinet.

2. Achievement of Individual goals and understanding of character.

3. Participation in the competition.

The prize for the individual winner overall will be $100 transferred via your preferred method (Paypal would be easiest).

                Application Link

APPLICATIONS ARE DUE by Friday the 8th of December!

NOTE: You will need a Discord to play. This competition will take place over a few hours on Monday the 11th of Decemeber @ 7PM EST

The Scenario will be a fictional crisis using both real and fictional stakeholders (such as Think-Tanks, Governments, Businesses, Military Groups, Ect.) If you have ever participated in a UNSC Crisis Simulation, it is closely related to this. I (The Game Master) will control the flow of the game (so for example, a Cabinet without nuclear weapons does not simply use nuclear weapons and destroy everyone), but the actions submitted by you will ultimately determine how it will end.

Will need a minimum of 15 players by the countdown date in order for the game to go ahead.

If you have any questions below surrounding the competition, post below and I will answer them! ^-^

Will you be participating?
almost 7 years
Did you get my app?
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
i would apply but im babysitting that day.............
almost 7 years
The countdown on the side is to when applications close! <3 They will be taken until Friday.
almost 7 years
Model Congress flashbacks..
almost 7 years
Are applications still being accepted?
almost 7 years
@k9trip not really... but that is a great game!
almost 7 years
i'm sure i'll win the game since i'm so good at hiding in the closet =D
almost 7 years
is this like secret hitler
almost 7 years
Keep the registrations coming... In the coming days I will provide a basic example how how the game will run and share the link here.
almost 7 years
I used to want to rule the world, then I learned how corrupt you'd have to be to actually rule it and I decided never to impact the world with my decisions and only worry about how my decisions impact me and those close to me.
almost 7 years
When something awesome that you'd totally be up for is scheduled to take place the day you leave for basic training in the Air Force. :(

Oh well, I hope it goes well. Cheers mate. :)
almost 7 years
"a Cabinet without nuclear weapons does not simply use nuclear weapons and destroy everyone"

Darn. Well there goes my top secret plan for winning the game without trying :(.