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EMBB7 Trophy Game

over 6 years

EMBB7: A Space Journey

Fantasy Draft:


WEEK 15: The Finale



Third Place

Finalist Speeches



Jury Speeches








Memory Wall:




over 6 years

XFire1994 says

911? i'd like to report a robbery

over 6 years
100GOD walks in with POV necklace
[12/11/2017 8:04:05 PM] mary christmas: is it a pretty necklace... i didnt realize it was a necklace what the f*** ive never seen bb. is it a space necklace? or an earth necklace? 100god did you pick it yourself?
[12/11/2017 8:04:41 PM] VelociRaptor: 100GOD: I have decided
[12/11/2017 8:04:48 PM] VelociRaptor: Not to use the POV
[12/11/2017 8:04:57 PM] BC Lovell: :(
[12/11/2017 8:05:05 PM] Sam: (worry)
[12/11/2017 8:05:11 PM] mary christmas: mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm THIS IS FUN and by fun i mean i want to fling myself into space
[12/11/2017 8:05:21 PM] VelociRaptor: "Mary and BC : I don't have anything personal against any of you but I couldn't think of saving one over the other and nominating someone else. Thus I decided it was best to not use the pov. Good luck to you both!"
[12/11/2017 8:05:31 PM] VelociRaptor: "This POV ceremony is adjourned"
[12/11/2017 8:05:41 PM] VelociRaptor: 100GOD sits down in a bucket of ice
[12/11/2017 8:05:55 PM] Sam: LMFAO
[12/11/2017 8:06:01 PM] Sam: ill go buy him a lemon
[12/11/2017 8:07:30 PM | Edited 8:07:57 PM] VelociRaptor: The final nominees are bboy29 and marry. Housemates have until 8 PM EST tomorrow to send their votes for eviction as well as their goodbye messages to both bboy29 and marry. bboy and marry please send goodbye messages for one another.
over 6 years

HighSpace says

marry says

i do not like this

this wasn't 20 words

i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this i do not like this
over 6 years

marry says

i do not like this

this wasn't 20 words
over 6 years
prays for a backdoor
over 6 years
[10:04:14 PM] Jacob: and me
[10:04:15 PM] mary christmas: i think the best i could have gotten was 4 mins if i kept going so i wonder if anyone got more than that. also i forgot that the thread will see this, hi my loyal fans!!!!!!
[10:05:22 PM] VelociRaptor: By a score of 3:05 to 4:23, the winner of this competition and the holder of the Golden Power of Veto is
[10:05:51 PM] VelociRaptor: 100GOD!
[10:05:57 PM] Jacob: (clap)
[10:06:01 PM] BC Lovell: congratulations 100god
[10:06:03 PM] Sam: (clap)
[10:06:09 PM] BC Lovell: (clap)
[10:06:11 PM] Malik Cordova: Oops congrats! (clap)
[10:06:25 PM] Toby Marlow: Gj mr doge!!!
[10:06:31 PM] mary christmas: yeah i couldnt have beat that dangit!!! congrats to u pls pov me i’m alone and scared. OMG THE DOG!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO i love bboy too. pov one of us, we don’t deserve to die in space. also how the hell did u get 3...
[10:06:44 PM] VelociRaptor: Congrats 100GOD you have the power of veto, please message yourself with whether you would like to use it of not and a renomination if necessary by 10 PM EST tomorrow, December 11th
over 6 years
[10:01:01 PM] VelociRaptor: Let's do it anyways
[10:01:38 PM] Devon Withers: Hello - Moji
[10:01:52 PM] VelociRaptor: In 6th place
[10:02:02 PM] VelociRaptor: With a score of "I ABSTAIN!!!"
[10:02:06 PM] mary christmas: hewwo... i’m here... ready to flop...! i’m currently in bed with ramen and a headache, hoorah. omg devon’s back we love devon!!!! muppet baby!
[10:02:13 PM] Jacob: I GOT TOP 5
[10:02:14 PM] Sam: that's some dedication
[10:02:14 PM] VelociRaptor: DevonW02!
[10:02:38 PM] VelociRaptor: In 5th place, with a score of incomplete
[10:02:44 PM] VelociRaptor: bboy29
[10:02:45 PM] BC Lovell: oh dear :O
[10:02:48 PM] BC Lovell: :(
[10:02:55 PM] BC Lovell: RIP
[10:03:03 PM] VelociRaptor: In 4th place
[10:03:06 PM] Jacob: (worry)
[10:03:10 PM] VelociRaptor: With a time of 6:13
[10:03:22 PM] VelociRaptor: marry!
[10:03:24 PM] mary christmas: omg i didnt COMPLETELY flop?!?! what the heckie dudes!!! im a goddess!! pro flash player right here a true threat...... thats me!!!! 6:13 pls im so good
[10:03:31 PM] VelociRaptor: In 3rd place
[10:03:51 PM] VelociRaptor: With a score of 5:04
[10:03:54 PM] VelociRaptor: Zarfot!
[10:03:59 PM] Jacob: (clap)
[10:04:09 PM] VelociRaptor: Which means the POV winner will be between 39Daleks and 100GOD
over 6 years
all of us at pov:
over 6 years
This Head of Household is trash. Vote out bboy tho
over 6 years
bboy u need to stop getting nominated!!
over 6 years
pull thru mary :(
over 6 years
i do not like this
over 6 years
[5.08.26] Elmo: It's time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition!!!!!!! (party)
[5.08.34] yuujin (elsa): \o/
[5.08.43] 100GOD_Saurabh: Tell me I am not playing?
[5.09.35] Elmo: As always, the HoH 100GOD along with two nominees, marry and bboy29 are playing in the Power of Veto competition
[5.09.38] Elmo: Joining them...
[5.10.08] Elmo: Zarfor, Devon and 39Daleks!
[5.10.26] Elmo: This week you 6 will play in....
[5.10.35] Elmo: Obechi!
[5.10.55] Elmo: For this PoV competition, you will be using Saturn’s rings to trap and collect floating particles in Obechi!

Follow the game’s objectives as quickly as you can. The houseguest that completes the game in the shortest amount of time will win the Power of Veto! In the event that no one completes the game, whoever gets to the farthest level with the closest amount of particles to the objective will win. In the event that this ties as well, whoever does it in the lowest time will win.

Your scores for this challenge are at due at 10pm ET tomorrow. When screenshotting, make sure to have the date/time and your Skype in the screenshot, like so:
[5.11.04] mary christmas: is devon okay to POV even though he's kinda out of commission rn? 20 words... uh... serious inquirey... we love devon! wtf is obechi?? oh god a flash game ):
[5.11.23] Ally: He's permitted to abstain but we cannot rig the PoV selection to make him not be in it
[5.11.32] 100GOD_Saurabh: rip
[5.11.45] Elmo: Oh and here's the POV selection:
[5.11.55] Elmo: good night houseguests!!
over 6 years
[4.56.27] Elmo: rs1993
[4.56.33] Elmo: Ninth key....
[4.56.36] Elmo: MonteCarrlo
[4.56.45] Elmo: Tenth key....
[4.56.56] Knife: [4.53] mary christmas:

<<< saurabh did you nom methis is gonna be awk
[4.57.27] Elmo: jbomber
[4.57.31] mary christmas: i swear to god... this again... if i am nommed... are you slowrolling my key... i'm going to SCREAM... these are fighting words
[4.57.48] Elmo: camera focuses on bboy, zarfot and marry who are all shooketh
[4.57.59] 100GOD_Saurabh: (porgsurprised)
[4.57.59] Elmo: Final key....
[4.58.07] Elmo: Zarfot
[4.58.12] BC Lovell: :O
[4.58.14] BC Lovell: rip
[4.58.25] Federico (Zarfot): :O
[4.58.28] Knife: :O
[4.58.38] 100GOD_Saurabh: :O
[4.58.41 | Edited 4.59.58] Elmo: 100GOD: This means I have nominated marry and bboy29 for eviction.


Mary : Idk what you are doing honestly. I haven't recieved even a single text from you so you are the first person which went up the block in my list.

BC: This was really hard decision for me but you are one of the people with whom I haven't been able to talk much freely and thus did this. Besides I have explained the reason to you in the chat!
Good luck to you both in pov
[4.58.52] mary christmas: .................................................... this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is ...FINE
[5.00.04] mary christmas: "i haven't recieved even a single text from you" just cuz we havent talked since last eviction.....?????????????????????????? im not one to chat you up just cuz you won hoh that seems like pandering and batting my big lady eyelashes lol... idgi but ok!
[5.00.18] Elmo: 100GOD: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
over 6 years
[4.53.28] Elmo: hi
[4.53.35] Elmo: okay 3 ppl is great we'll begin
[4.53.48] Elmo: 100GOD walks in with the nomination wheel.
[4.53.54] mary christmas: god damn it I forgot I have to type in 20 words but I have 4 more ups so its fine everything is fine false alarm mini heart attack averted
[4.54.05] Elmo: 100GOD walks and woofs
[4.54.06] 100GOD_Saurabh: rip
[4.54.09] Knife: lol mary
[4.54.15 | Edited 4.54.21] Elmo: 100GOD: Welcome to the nomination ceremony. As Head of Household, it is my duty to nominate two houseguests for eviction. I will pull the first key, and that person will be safe. They will pull the next key, and so on. The two houseguests that do not have a key will be the nominees for the week.
[4.54.35] Elmo: First key....
[4.54.39] Elmo: Devon
[4.54.47] Elmo: Second key....
[4.54.53] Elmo: 39Daleks
[4.54.58] Elmo: Third key....
[4.55.05] Elmo: yuujin
[4.55.09] Devon Withers: <3
[4.55.14] Elmo: Fourth key....
[4.55.19] Elmo: Hedger
[4.55.22] Elmo: Fifth key....
[4.55.32] Elmo: Knife
[4.55.35] Elmo: Sixth key....
[4.55.35] Knife: (key)
[4.55.45] Elmo: Drachus
[4.55.59] Elmo: Seventh key....
[4.56.05] Elmo: TheGodOfBlue
[4.56.19] Elmo: Eighth key...
over 6 years
[2017-12-08 11:07:22 PM] BC Lovell: also I included my name
[2017-12-08 11:07:26 PM] BC Lovell: soo...
[2017-12-08 11:07:31 PM] BC Lovell: shrugs
[2017-12-08 11:07:38 PM] BC Lovell: then again, I had 2 pics
[2017-12-08 11:07:44 PM] VelociRaptor: You photoshopped your name onto the pictures bboy
[2017-12-08 11:07:45 PM] BC Lovell: so I wasn't winning anyways LMAO
[2017-12-08 11:07:47 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Okay top 3..
[2017-12-08 11:07:51 PM] BC Lovell: ah ok
[2017-12-08 11:07:51 PM] Jacob: lOL
[2017-12-08 11:07:52 PM] BC Lovell: continue
[2017-12-08 11:07:54 PM] Knife: LOL
[2017-12-08 11:07:55 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: (porgsurprised)
[2017-12-08 11:07:57 PM] Jacob: WTF

bboy... LMAO
over 6 years
VelociRaptor doing the family name proud!
over 6 years
[2017-12-08 11:11:28 PM] Malik Cordova: Lmao wait what?!
[2017-12-08 11:12:02 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Mary we would have got cancelled lol
[2017-12-08 11:12:36 PM] Knife: damn good ideas
[2017-12-08 11:12:36 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Bcoz I submitted every ornament possible. From Nose Ring to the anklet lol
[2017-12-08 11:12:42 PM] VelociRaptor: 100GOD has until 11 PM EST tomorrow to send in nominations
[2017-12-08 11:12:51 PM] VelociRaptor: Goodnight everyone
over 6 years
[2017-12-08 11:09:34 PM] Malik Cordova: Congrats Saurabh!
[2017-12-08 11:09:34 PM] Knife: congrats 100god!
[2017-12-08 11:09:35 PM] BC Lovell: congrats 100GOD
[2017-12-08 11:09:36 PM] yuujin (elsa): woo!!!! gj 100god (party)
[2017-12-08 11:09:38 PM] mary christmas: I've just been busy with health and life today/last night lol... I would have submit if I just wasn't stupid tbh but oh well. Also I think I would have got 2nd!
[2017-12-08 11:09:48 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: I just submitted all the jewellery pics lmao
[2017-12-08 11:09:57 PM] Sam: dude same
[2017-12-08 11:10:01 PM] Sam: I went into my moms room
[2017-12-08 11:10:07 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: SAME
[2017-12-08 11:10:09 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: LOL
[2017-12-08 11:10:10 PM] Sam: and found like 15 circular jewelry things
[2017-12-08 11:10:19 PM] Malik Cordova: Yea I wasn’t going to touch no ones stuff so I was like I’m out lol
[2017-12-08 11:10:22 PM] VelociRaptor: It would have been funny if Sam and Saurabh cancelled everything out and Zarfot won
[2017-12-08 11:10:23 PM] Monte Dante: Exactly.
[2017-12-08 11:10:39 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Just for the fact I even submitted a bra strap
[2017-12-08 11:10:41 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Lmfao
[2017-12-08 11:10:46 PM] Hedger: Lmaoo
[2017-12-08 11:10:51 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: It was cancelled lol
[2017-12-08 11:10:51 PM] Malik Cordova: LOL
[2017-12-08 11:10:53 PM] VelociRaptor: Yes Saurabh also sent us a picture of his underwear
[2017-12-08 11:11:00 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Lmfao
[2017-12-08 11:11:00 PM] VelociRaptor: Which was nice of him but we didn't count it
[2017-12-08 11:11:06 PM] Jacob: LOL
[2017-12-08 11:11:18 PM | Removed 11:11:25 PM] Malik Cordova: This message has been removed.
[2017-12-08 11:11:24 PM] mary christmas: Oh I might have beat 100God actually LOL I probably would have got 30 or something, I had weird like a clipboard hole and broken glasses and the hole in a tape thingy and ornaments and stuff
over 6 years
[2017-12-08 11:08:52 PM] Sam: listen ally
[2017-12-08 11:08:57 PM] Sam: mistakes were made :(
[2017-12-08 11:08:58 PM] Federico (Zarfot): Ally (Host) - Hoy 1:08
> consider this a lesson to read the challenge instructions I write them for a goddamn reason and we work hard on these write-ups so if you don't wanna get over then READ THEM
[2017-12-08 11:08:59 PM] Malik Cordova: Ooo I probably should’ve put my ring in then
[2017-12-08 11:09:01 PM] VelociRaptor: With a score of 20-4
[2017-12-08 11:09:03 PM] Malik Cordova: Ooo
[2017-12-08 11:09:04 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Good luck Zarfot!
[2017-12-08 11:09:04 PM] yuujin (elsa): jesus
[2017-12-08 11:09:05 PM] Knife: DAMN
[2017-12-08 11:09:06 PM] Jacob: holy LOL
[2017-12-08 11:09:09 PM] Malik Cordova: Damn
[2017-12-08 11:09:10 PM] VelociRaptor: The winner of the HOH challenge
[2017-12-08 11:09:11 PM] Sam: JESUS CHRIST
[2017-12-08 11:09:14 PM] VelociRaptor: Is
[2017-12-08 11:09:18 PM] VelociRaptor: 100GOD!
[2017-12-08 11:09:20 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: None of us submitted a donut?
[2017-12-08 11:09:23 PM] Knife: rekttaljfhla
[2017-12-08 11:09:24 PM] Jacob: Congrats!
[2017-12-08 11:09:25 PM] Sam: good job 100doggo
[2017-12-08 11:09:30 PM] Federico (Zarfot): (clap)
[2017-12-08 11:09:32 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Wowzer
[2017-12-08 11:09:32 PM] Anthony Eats: dog100
[2017-12-08 11:09:33 PM] VelociRaptor: Congrats 100GOD you are our new Head of Household!
over 6 years
Ayeee doge
over 6 years
[2017-12-08 11:07:16 PM] Sam: these results are iconic
[2017-12-08 11:07:19 PM] Knife: me and yuujin are iconic
[2017-12-08 11:07:20 PM] Sam: I forgot :(
[2017-12-08 11:07:21 PM] VelociRaptor: Our final 3 all scored points!
[2017-12-08 11:07:22 PM] BC Lovell: also I included my name
[2017-12-08 11:07:26 PM] BC Lovell: soo...
[2017-12-08 11:07:31 PM] BC Lovell: shrugs
[2017-12-08 11:07:38 PM] BC Lovell: then again, I had 2 pics
[2017-12-08 11:07:44 PM] VelociRaptor: You photoshopped your name onto the pictures bboy
[2017-12-08 11:07:45 PM] BC Lovell: so I wasn't winning anyways LMAO
[2017-12-08 11:07:47 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Okay top 3..
[2017-12-08 11:07:51 PM] BC Lovell: ah ok
[2017-12-08 11:07:51 PM] Jacob: lOL
[2017-12-08 11:07:52 PM] BC Lovell: continue
[2017-12-08 11:07:54 PM] Knife: LOL
[2017-12-08 11:07:55 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: (porgsurprised)
[2017-12-08 11:07:57 PM] Jacob: WTF
[2017-12-08 11:08:14 PM] VelociRaptor: In 3rd place
[2017-12-08 11:08:17 PM] VelociRaptor: With 1 point
[2017-12-08 11:08:20 PM] Jacob: looooool
[2017-12-08 11:08:21 PM] VelociRaptor: rs1993!
[2017-12-08 11:08:25 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Didn't take much effort and still made top 2..
[2017-12-08 11:08:32 PM] Sam: omfg is Jacob in top 2 with 1 submission
[2017-12-08 11:08:32 PM | Edited 11:08:40 PM] Ally: consider this a lesson to read the challenge instructions I write them for a goddamn reason and we work hard on these write-ups so if you don't wanna get over then READ THEM
[2017-12-08 11:08:32 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: (porgsurprised)
[2017-12-08 11:08:34 PM] Jacob: tfw all it takes is one ring to get 3rd out of 14
[2017-12-08 11:08:37 PM] Ally: @ all of you
[2017-12-08 11:08:47 PM] BC Lovell: I'm sorry Ally :(
[2017-12-08 11:08:50 PM] Knife: :(
[2017-12-08 11:08:51 PM] VelociRaptor: Which means that the winner comes down to Zarfot or 100GOD
over 6 years
[2017-12-08 11:05:36 PM] Federico (Zarfot): (xmascwl)
[2017-12-08 11:05:42 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Wow I made it in time..
[2017-12-08 11:05:42 PM] VelociRaptor: We have Jacob, who submitted a picture of something we deemed not a ring
[2017-12-08 11:05:49 PM] Jacob: it was my hand
[2017-12-08 11:05:50 PM] Jacob: rigged
[2017-12-08 11:05:56 PM] BC Lovell: LMAO
[2017-12-08 11:05:57 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Lol
[2017-12-08 11:05:58 PM] yuujin (elsa): lmaooooo
[2017-12-08 11:06:13 PM] VelociRaptor: So if you submitted something that was a ring, you got top 5
[2017-12-08 11:06:26 PM] Ally: proud of all of you
[2017-12-08 11:06:30 PM] Jacob: lmfao
[2017-12-08 11:06:34 PM] Sam: for the record
[2017-12-08 11:06:35 PM] Federico (Zarfot): (xmassarcastic)
[2017-12-08 11:06:35 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: LOL
[2017-12-08 11:06:40 PM] Sam: I submitted like 28 pictures
[2017-12-08 11:06:41 PM] Sam: :(
[2017-12-08 11:06:46 PM] mary christmas: I can explain my strike... I was... I... I had... yeah I just got the time to submit wrong and checked Skype and was like oh that's... that's nice...
[2017-12-08 11:06:50 PM] VelociRaptor: We have 2 people tied for 4th place with a score of 0 (everything got cancelled out)
[2017-12-08 11:06:58 PM] VelociRaptor: Knife and Yuujin!
[2017-12-08 11:07:02 PM] Jacob: LOL did anyone get a ring
[2017-12-08 11:07:03 PM] Knife: damn
[2017-12-08 11:07:03 PM] Hedger: Good performances guys
[2017-12-08 11:07:05 PM] yuujin (elsa): nice
[2017-12-08 11:07:05 PM] BC Lovell: wow
[2017-12-08 11:07:10 PM] 100GOD_Saurabh: Wow. Why you didn't include the name Sam?
over 6 years
[2017-12-08 11:02:21 PM] VelociRaptor: OKAY
[2017-12-08 11:02:25 PM] VelociRaptor: Let's do this!
[2017-12-08 11:02:36 PM] Federico (Zarfot): (wave)
[2017-12-08 11:02:44 PM] My EM Love <3: ME!
[2017-12-08 11:02:46 PM] My EM Love <3: im winning
[2017-12-08 11:02:50 PM] VelociRaptor: There were 13 people competing in this challenge
[2017-12-08 11:02:54 PM] VelociRaptor: In 13th place
[2017-12-08 11:03:00 PM] VelociRaptor: We have Marry!
[2017-12-08 11:03:11 PM] VelociRaptor: Who got a strike for not submitting and not telling us
[2017-12-08 11:03:22 PM] VelociRaptor: Congrats Marry!
[2017-12-08 11:03:25 PM] Federico (Zarfot): (rudolfsurprise)
[2017-12-08 11:03:28 PM] Jacob: LOL
[2017-12-08 11:03:34 PM] yuujin (elsa): queen
[2017-12-08 11:03:48 PM] VelociRaptor: Next up we have 4 abstentions
[2017-12-08 11:03:52 PM] VelociRaptor: Hedger
[2017-12-08 11:03:59 PM] VelociRaptor: TheGodofBlue
[2017-12-08 11:04:06 PM] VelociRaptor: DevonW02
[2017-12-08 11:04:11 PM] VelociRaptor: 39Daleks
[2017-12-08 11:04:19 PM] Jacob: i didn’t come in last mom
[2017-12-08 11:04:26 PM] VelociRaptor: That leaves us with 8
[2017-12-08 11:04:40 PM] VelociRaptor: We have 2 people with ineligible submissions
[2017-12-08 11:05:05 PM] Jacob: ehhe
[2017-12-08 11:05:08 PM] VelociRaptor: Drachus and Bboy, who did not include their name, etc in the photos
[2017-12-08 11:05:16 PM] VelociRaptor: So there's 6 left
[2017-12-08 11:05:22 PM] Jacob: top 6 and i submitted 1 picture
[2017-12-08 11:05:23 PM] yuujin (elsa): i can't wait to see who wins just by default
[2017-12-08 11:05:28 PM] VelociRaptor: In 6th place
[2017-12-08 11:05:28 PM] yuujin (elsa): On 09/12/2017, at 04:05, Jacob wrote:
> top 6 and i submitted 1 picture

over 6 years
Saturn's my favorite planet, y'all better slay this week