over 6 years

Circle Jerk Discouragement Act

tl;dr version below

The Circle Jerk Discouragement Act (hereafter referred to as CJDA), is a voluntary initiative aiming to eradicate the rampant culture of the Echo chamber (colloquially known as a 'circle jerks') pestering the prosperity of this great site.


  • To eradicate circle jerks (including, but not limited to, repetition of jokes; edgy behavior that is negative towards others for the sake of upvotes)
  • To create a non-toxic environment for newcomers to feel welcome in


  • 5 years, the average time of a Sandbox generational change


  • Voluntary participation in the Cleansing of Jerkish Nature Program (CJNP): by signing the petition below or (once the numbers of petitioneers exceeds the amount of avatars available for display below the petition) contacting me via personal message one can show support for the CJDA as well as subscribe to a personal message noting the recipient of their recent behavior that violates the morals set forth by the CJDA. Our knowledge of these transgressions will be collected with the help of the
  • Vigilante Program (VP) which promotes sharing questionable behavior of others for the wide public to look at. This can be done either posting screenshots of such behavior in this thread, informing wrongdoers on the spot or contacting me via PM. All wrongdoers taking part in the voluntary CJNP will also be contacted personally, as is written in the description of this program. No subscription is needed to become a vigilante.

Please note that refusal to partake in the CJNP does not absolve anyone of responsibilities to the successful fruition of this act. Anyone taking part in activities that the Act disapproves of will be called out regardless of their support for it, much like how the Wall of Shame functions.

tl;dr: This is a thread to call out people taking part in circle jerk activities. Post screenshots of people circlejerking and show your support by signing the petition.

I support
5 signed
this initiative and hereby vow to minimize my circle jerkish tendencies. I also consent to being personally noted of any wrongdoings I commit.
over 6 years
E M B R A C E ‌ ‌ T H E‌ ‌ ‌ C I R C L E J E R K
over 6 years

ObitoSigma says

I'd like to veto this bill.

I didn't notice this before but you do seem like a person who would say that, not going to lie. I guess it's nice that you're consistent?
over 6 years
I'd like to veto this bill.
over 6 years

Good time to bring the thread back. Hope your new years resolutions include not jerking in a circle!
over 6 years
This may seem like a joke to y'all but to me this is a serious concern
over 6 years
haha CLASSIC tigermom that we all know and love
over 6 years
Like if you come on EM just to circlejerk
over 6 years
tl;dr: This is a thread to call out people taking part in circle jerk activities. Post screenshots/message me to post them for you/show your support by signing the petition.

I have also added this tl;dr to the masterpost.
deletedover 6 years
but i thought circlejerking was when u r fake nice to everyone and everyone is fake nice to you
im gonna be honest, I didn't read this