almost 7 years

okay so i just wanna let people know and possibly keep this from happening again with others,,, the user Bruno sent me an unsolicited picture. i'm sure some of us have had an instance like this, and we know revolting and rude it is. this was a horrible first impression, and i'm sure you can understand my shock and anger at this. of course i blocked him! i don't need someone who thinks that's okay to be associated with me! last night i warned all the people i could, and tried to keep it quiet, but i mean,,, this is important? this behavior is horrible and something definitely out of place on epicmafia. i'm telling everyone this to know that this behavior is unacceptable, unwanted, and flat out disgusting.

almost 7 years
yea but ur failing to unearth the ultimate truth that riskit did, which is that it's all my fault because i said i wouldn't let him live down his sexual harassment
deletedalmost 7 years
a few thoughts:

literally every day someone says "send nudes" on and it is often (but apparently not always) a joke. if someone you dont know says send nudes would you think they were serious? someone can't be at fault for being naive.

from what i gather, it just seems as if dyke wanted to be friends. and i think its pretty funny because this is a user everyone knows is a lesbian because dyke literally says "im gay" every five seconds and has a gay flag as an avi, and also not to mention the f*cking username. also, yes she did say its okay but people are allowed to change their minds.

personally, i think people are making a big deal about this one instance and are failing to see the big picture: this is NOT an isolated incident. dyke had every right to make people aware of his behaviour so that it doesnt continue. as user elliot said he has been doing this for months at least. not to mention he's denying it when theres simply too many people saying its the truth

anyway sure maybe if this WAS a one time thing it wouldnt be that bad, but you have to realise that he isnt "all good" or "all bad". this isnt a witch hunt, its people asking someone to come clean and show some remorse in regards to the things he has done wrong, but apparently he can't do that

its kind of really stupid to defend him but whatever

also p.s sorry its small lol
almost 7 years
i miss error
almost 7 years

from error
almost 7 years
"cummies" Ah. Yes. "Cummies" that must mean i am required to squart my nut juice from my inchworm dicc on thine splayed hand
almost 7 years
He actually sent a pic of his cumhands to someone? I don't think that's what the ladies mean when they ask for "cummies..."
almost 7 years
So there he was talking to the female homosexual teenager, his hands were sweaty his Stilton sword was hard, he immediately thought I'm gonna turn this girl straight within 5 minutes, that was when he thought time to get my blackberry out. This phone has never let me down when taking a pic, he immediately put forced his hand on to his stilton sword and began stroking he layed baci in relief while increasing his speed, thats when it shot out of his stilton sword but thats when he realised i have no tissue then he thought ill use my hand, he carefully put his BlackBerry in thè right angle and took a picture of his stilton sword and his cummy mosturised hand.

Written by Wayne King.
almost 7 years
i sit in my room, typing happily away on my Computer Desktop, when suddenly, I hear his name whispered in the wind. "cumhands," they hiss. A shiver goes down my spine, brow sweating as his presence elicits a low-quality photo of his flaccid donger in my mind. I smell it- the cumhands, miles and miles away, intruding my bedroom. It burns. It burns so much. It burns so muCH PLEASE HEL-
almost 7 years
i said it in a language that bruno might understand
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Damn when I first read the OP, I thought it was a joke. Then I read the first couple pages and I found out it was a joke for a very different reason. I am both disturbed and amused. I am disturbed that this happened at all. I am amused that Bruno thought that a lesbian would want to see his junk, that the best way to pick up girls on epicmafia was to send his junk out to various girls, and that any girl would be interested in a picture of a dik so small it required an apology.
almost 7 years
think it's about time for dooze to file a executive order to get this joker outta here
deletedalmost 7 years

Bruno says

elliot says

in the pic of his cumhands the caption was, "finally"

this is false.

you are doing this only because you are mad at me,stop saying lies.

what am i mad about lololol. if i was "mad" wouldnt i have been telling everyone about this months ago (which,you did this months ago WHICH makes this situation even funnier now that you are doing it again). you know it is being brought up because it is pretty relevant to this whole unsolicited nude thing. also you um,did ask me for nudes qwite often, i guess you can say i am lying about this too when everyone knows im not but uh go OFF bruno "finally" cumhands
almost 7 years
dunno about that i've heard lesbians really enjoy male genitalia
deletedalmost 7 years

user bruno caught in another web of lies... more at 11
almost 7 years

Bebop says

i dont think people realise that dyke and the 16 year old are two different people

sana says

Succ says

asking for nudes is gross but it's not like he's sending them left and right

he is though this has been confirmed by a lot of people

rubedo says

the bottom line is that he's preyed on teenagers, hes preyed on me, he's preyed on dyke, he's preyed on others, and he will continue to do it because his reactions to this make it obvious that he not only shows no remorse but will adamantly deny anything being said of him even when proof is provided and he is caught in the lies. i don't think it's immoral to demand something be done about this kind of behaviour.

cross page drifting
deletedalmost 7 years
not even mad about anything just think its pretty weird to take a picture of your cumhands
almost 7 years
the bottom line is that he's preyed on teenagers, hes preyed on me, he's preyed on dyke, he's preyed on others, and he will continue to do it because his reactions to this make it obvious that he not only shows no remorse but will adamantly deny anything being said of him even when proof is provided and he is caught in the lies. i don't think it's immoral to demand something be done about this kind of behaviour.
deletedalmost 7 years

Succ says

asking for nudes is gross but it's not like he's sending them left and right

he is though this has been confirmed by a lot of people
almost 7 years
i dont think people realise that dyke and the 16 year old are two different people
almost 7 years
Y'all acting like any nudes at all ever are illegal. There's enough screencap evidence to support that the shitposting was very misleading. Bruno's thirst levels are irrelevant if he didn't send out any other nudes, asking for nudes is gross but it's not like he's sending them left and right. I think you need to put a little more responsibility on minors to be careful on the internet, where creepers are kind of known to run rampant. At 16 years old you 100% know better. Bruno SHOULD have asked, yes, but he didn't and this happened.

How did it go from forgetting about it

TheTigress says

To a full on witch hunt?
This is looks like a misunderstanding gone very wrong... I don't like how everything has to be completely one side's fault. Both need to take some blame here.
>inb4 ur defending a PEDO, victim blaming, all that
almost 7 years
this reminds me what zizek once said about the iraq war, how ppl kept questioning wheter iraq had WMD, but it didnt mattered even if they did the us should not have gone there
almost 7 years
btw seems to me the best comparison is not harvey weistein but anthony weiner
almost 7 years

Parudoks says

Two Important Questions:

1. Did Bruno know that Dyke was 16?

2. Did Dyke really ask him to send nudes first?

Explained this to Paru on skype, but I want to rail this back onto subject matter.

1. Does it matter? Regardless, he sent nudes. He did not check. Non-action and ignorance is not a defense.

2. If you look at the receipts, it does look like she asked. But, given the context. Bruno and Dyke are not friends. Dyke is a lesbian. Bruno is a bi-man. The use of action stuff "*hugs*" that kind of stuff. If this is your first interaction, as a reasonable person, would you send nudes? Come on now.
almost 7 years

Bebop says

and you're still making this thread about you and me, sit down dude

Notice how you're responding as well? It takes two people to have a conversation. If you don't want to derail this thread then this will be the last post we have on the matter. I've already made my point.