almost 7 years

okay so i just wanna let people know and possibly keep this from happening again with others,,, the user Bruno sent me an unsolicited picture. i'm sure some of us have had an instance like this, and we know revolting and rude it is. this was a horrible first impression, and i'm sure you can understand my shock and anger at this. of course i blocked him! i don't need someone who thinks that's okay to be associated with me! last night i warned all the people i could, and tried to keep it quiet, but i mean,,, this is important? this behavior is horrible and something definitely out of place on epicmafia. i'm telling everyone this to know that this behavior is unacceptable, unwanted, and flat out disgusting.

almost 7 years
Bruno sent these words, roughly: sorry it's small lol

art imitates life

and yea, it is, i'll think about that
deletedalmost 7 years
nasty. what was the size like, anyhoo?
almost 7 years
is this real life
almost 7 years
so like is this serious?

if so you could contact a mod, things have been done in the past about cases like this.
almost 7 years
first, the way youre responding implies you aren't a female-- this isn't a one time thing, this happens ALL the time with random guys. guess what? this includes Bruno. this isn't a haha, wow, its so weird this guy randomly sent me a pic, its wow, here we go, another pic from a prick. this isn't a mob hunt, first because that isn't a thing; you mean witch hunt. second, because i'm actually calling him out, and if others want to say 'hey, that's super horrible !' then let them. don't call it a witch hunt because you're trying to brush it off. this happens ALL the time, and i'm tired of being like 'okay, I should let this slide because this is normal!!' this isn't okay, and i'm not going to put up with it. next, Bruno can love it all he wants! he's like that guy who's all like 'yeah let me play it off like it's funny because I don't want to face the reality that yeah, I was totally in the wrong and this was a SUPER thing to do' so,,, yep
almost 7 years
okay and? this just detracts from the fact that, bruno did something that's really wrong. it doesn't matter if he enjoys it or not. he did something wrong. point blank. lmao.
almost 7 years
fing hell... this has gone full mob hunt. And Bruno's loving every moment of it.
almost 7 years
he even used an epicmafia pickup line how diabolical

almost 7 years
prayer emoji
deletedalmost 7 years
Oh my god. let me be the first to say that nobody, and i mean NOBODY should have to suffer through this traumatic and harrowing experience alone. We are all here for you every step of the way. sexual harassment is no joke and i hope this mature and desperately-needed thread gets the respect it deserves.

Bruno, take your vulgar attitude and your dastardly pictures away from this wholesome website.

with all my love, joga
almost 7 years
almost 7 years