over 6 years

let this thread be a commentary on the big man himself, should we ban him or should we let him stay, does he add anything to the lobby apart from the autism we already have in abundance? you decide

Ban him
Let him stay
over 6 years

Shwartz99 says

We had a good few days without plissken's spam while he was banned. Meanwhile, he was spamming survivor lobby. By banning plissken, we'd be killing two birds with one stone.

over 6 years
Why don't we ban everyone besides Plissken? Everyone would be happy
deletedover 6 years
not plissken being perma-banned would be nice
over 6 years
We had a good few days without plissken's spam while he was banned. Meanwhile, he was spamming survivor lobby. By banning plissken, we'd be killing two birds with one stone.
over 6 years
if we ban him he'll come up with an alt that's even worse
deletedover 6 years
if plisskens adds nothing but autism then he should blend in pretty well
over 6 years
careful who you mess with or the roblox army coming for you
deletedover 6 years
its about time for plissken cleansing