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Constituents of the Church

over 6 years

You have joined the Holy Church of Jamal to be a good user and defy the clique. For a long time, JamalMarley and Golbolco were faces of the Church, yet both users are seemingly gone. Instead, we have a user named Plissken being the voice of the Church. This is not what you joined for.

Plissken is unfit for being the head of this institution. Thus, change must be instituted. Constant spam on the lobby wall and the forum is NOT the right way to ensure Church membership.

Thus, as a member of the Church, I have realized it is JamalMarley's wish that Plissken is deposed and a new face of the Church is put into place. Jamal has asked me to lead this effort against Plissken's raving lunacy and save the Church.

The Second Church of Jamal has plans to revive the culture of the Church - mainly by reintroducing our policies of resistance against the clique. At this point, many users are also fed up with Plissken, so we condemn all activities Plissken has done so far, including but not limited to:

  • Not providing promised tokens to users from Plissken's 200th Event
  • Lying about other upcoming events
  • Harassment of female users
  • Spamming of Sandbox Lobby wall
  • Spamming of Sandbox Forums
  • Spamming of Sandbox Chatbox
  • False claims of grandeur

The Church will also be more democratic. The Templars of the Second Church has been formed to generate public approval of any events or activities which will take place regarding our lord. Further information on the organization will be disclosed shortly.

Members of the Second Church of Jamal

  1. JamalMarley
  2. Shwartz99
  3. Platypops
  4. YellowPear
  5. female
  6. Parudoks
over 6 years
Plissken seems to be afflicted by something... perhaps he is finally seeing the error in his ways. We will save the face of Jamal Marley!
over 6 years

DreamGate says

can I be an enemy?

The Second Church has no individual enemies - the clique is what we want to shut down, however.
deletedover 6 years
can I be an enemy?
over 6 years
If Plissken has been leaving this on your profiles, don't panic:

Plissken says


Quite obviously, the statement doesn't even make sense. If the time has come, it's not soon, it's now.

It's just more proof that Plissken is a false prophet. The Second Church is the true church. All believers of JamalMarley should join the Second Church today!
over 6 years
uninstall it
over 6 years
You can't spell Sandbox with clique! Join the Second Church to take on the clique today!
over 6 years

Bebop says


You clearly underestimate the reach of the Second Church.
over 6 years

over 6 years
No problem
over 6 years

Platypops says

I think you meant 'condemn'

That actually fits better, thank you for your input, user!
over 6 years
now it does, it didn't before
over 6 years

Platypops says

I don't think 'condone' was the word you were looking for

It says "do not condone".
over 6 years
I don't think 'condone' was the word you were looking for, I think you meant 'condemn'
over 6 years
Plissken has been banned for his crimes! The Church is in need for direction, yet there is only one direction to go in: to the Second Church of Jamal!
over 6 years
The Plissken Administered Church (PAC) has not been cracking down on the cliche. This is why the Second Church is now needed. Shut down the PAC and the clique!
over 6 years
No, YOU are infected. Jamal has spoken to me and your era will end. You may give up all rights to being this nonsensical "Fallen Angel" or be smote!
over 6 years
I am NOT this Plissken and you my former brother are crazy... infected. The infected must be healed or perish and I am HIS instrument of punishment...

The Fallen Angel of the Epic of The Greatest Day.

Come January 1st... all this shall be over. Mark my words.
over 6 years
The Second Church of Jamal is not separation, it is rebirth! The previous era must be erased and started anew. To preserve the spirit of our great lord, we must sacrifice you, Plissken! A finger must be cut to save the hand!
over 6 years
We will NOT be silenced!
over 6 years
Be ware those who would attempt to Divide and Conquer the Church!
over 6 years
I can not believe you are trying to separate us. This was foretold in the prophecy! I am not crazy, you see? The Greatest Day cometh... Behold the coming Uprizzle! And stop tarnishing our name with the deeds of the deceased. Plissken was defeated many months ago. Let it rest.