the dissolution of training lobby caused a mass migration of people who usually just hung around training lobby to move to sandbox and that is the fundamental reason sandbox is currently the way it is.
Sadbox was all fun and games till EM Sadbox dictator dooze thought it was an excellent idea to deprive people of their :thinking: capabilities. Thanks to that, all the interesting mafia games that were enjoyed by countless EM users became no-brainers, just people not even listening to their peers, sheeping on evil reads and succumbing to the vegetable curse. EM Sadbox dictator dooze still tried to reverse the curse of no :thinking: but it was already too late, as all the harm as been done. Some moved to competitive lobbies, others just come here to play chess. A few make useless forum posts and many, many others were lost in the pre-game of a morning game that never ended up filling. Those who think that EM Sadbox can recover to what it was before are wrong. Even though we are able to :thinking: now, every time we do it we are surrounded by dooze's evil aura. With all this being said, we should impeach dooze. We are Sadbox, we do not forget, we do not forgive, we will harm all who did us wrong. Tonight while you're playing your little brainless 12 player random game, keep :thinking: about it. We deserve better. We deserve Sandbox.