New players have to play 5 unranked games to go into ranked. Now, we can all agree that unranked is mostly just a bunch of circle jerkers, so I propose instead:
green hearts- have new players play green hearts. basically a regular game but with 2-3 mentors in it, that can guide the new players to know the rules and how to play
this is the worst idea in the history of ideas, may be ever
deletedabout 7 years
How about this, just make it time based instead of game based. New players obviously play more than 5 unranked games since 90% end before they count. Instead of 5 5 min games, play 25 mins total.
people don't care about points. It's never going to get coded
deletedabout 7 years
It's pointless. 1) it's never going to get coded. 2) not enough people care to be mentors.
see edit
deletedabout 7 years
Lazy that's too much work and would never work out. It would take weeks to fill 1 green heart lobby.
mentors are never online especially not 2 or 3 all at the same time lol. there arent nearly enough brand new players to make any sort of separate queue work at all