deletedabout 7 years

Hey everyone, I thought it'd be nice if we all got together and played some forum games together, and one I know hasn't been played here yet is Spyfall. This game takes 3-8 players, although I'll try to aim for starting once we have around 8. This is taken from Sandbox lobby by user BeBop.

If a game starts and a player is AFK or taking too long to respond, I'll try to replace them or put the game on hold to find a new player.

How to play:

At the start of each round, players receive a secret card informing them of the group's location and a role they have within that location (for example, if the location was a submarine, you could get a card saying "Submarine - Commander") except for one player, who receives the SPY card instead of the location. The Spy doesn’t know where they are, but wins the round if they can figure it out before they blow their cover. Players then start asking each other questions. Non-Spy players want to ask questions and give answers that prove to the other players that they know where they are. But watch out, if your questions and answers are too specific, the Spy will easily guess the location and win, so you need to practice a bit of subtlety. But if your questions and answers are too generic, you might be accused of being the Spy. The Spy will also sometimes be asked questions (just like any other player would) and have to come up with questions of their own, without knowing anything about where they are! A random player will be picked to ask the first question. Questions have to be directed at a specific, single player. Once a player has answered a question, it's then their turn to ask the next question. Once per game, at any time, players may initiate a vote to accuse one player of being the Spy. If the majority of players agree, the game ends and that player’s secret card is flipped up. If the Spy is captured, each of the Non-Spy players win the round. If a Non-Spy is revealed, the Spy wins. Finally, if the Spy figures out where they are, they can reveal their card and make a guess. If they're right, they win the round. If not, the Non-Spy players win.

I'll be hosting this using this thread as the site for the game, so all discussion, question-asking and answering will take place here. If there's not currently a game going on, sign up for the next one by posting here!

List of Possible Locations

about 7 years
Okay mary how many people visit here?
deletedabout 7 years
All the roles have been sent out! The first person to ask a question will be bryce1997. Remember, the Non-Spy players win by either guessing the Spy or by the Spy incorrectly guessing the location! So make sure the questions you ask are not so vague that you learn nothing or cast suspicion on yourself, but not so specific that the Spy catches on easily. The Spy can attempt to guess the location at any time and the Non-Spys can initiate a vote to accuse at any time! After bryce1997 asks their question, the person they asked a question to will then get to ask a question, then the person that they asked gets to ask a question, and so on. Remember that questions can only be directed at one player!
about 7 years
about 7 years
o darn i was last :c
about 7 years
me plz
about 7 years
Me plz
about 7 years
I'll play
deletedabout 7 years
It starts whenever 8 players sign up and is played all in this forum (see past posts for examples).
about 7 years
When is it?
deletedabout 7 years
Can I play?
about 7 years
can I play? this looks fun
about 7 years
Can I play
about 7 years
id love to play again!
about 7 years
robber omg. id love to play again!
deletedabout 7 years
And with that, tillie takes the title of winner of the second game of Spyfall.

The roles were as follows:
UltraAug: Customer
loris: Consultant
LelenasChild: Robber
arisuu: Security Guard
bryce1997: Manager
marry: Armored Car Driver
alexroberts: Teller
tillie: Spy

Thank you all for playing, the thread will now turn into a sign-up for the next game. If you played before, you're still more than welcome to play again.
about 7 years
Disappointment. I didn't know there was a location list but that really makes it easy, as marry said. Gotta be out there random with the Qs
about 7 years
thank u marry!!!
about 7 years
tillie you did a great job blending in~
about 7 years
yeah that's why i warned everyone cuz it seemed a bit too obvious some of these answers were too easy to deduct that it was a bank (boring place, helps with big decisions, office-type building, etc). gj tillie!!! i'd like to sign up for the next round if possible!
about 7 years
omg yayayayayay
deletedabout 7 years
Tillie correctly guesses the location. The spy wins! I will post all of the roles tomorrow.
about 7 years
um hi i'm the spy and i'm going 2 guess the location sorry for ending this so quickly i hope i'm right tho!!!

i think we r at the bank
about 7 years
@lelena the question in question is how many of this location there is
about 7 years
Please everyone, which answer doesn't make sense :O I may have misunderstood the question. I'm definitely suspicious, but not in the game!! Please consider my last question, and ask yourself if a spy would really chance that.

I get paid in pretty irregular payments, but it's definitely a lot when they come through!!

UltraAug, how many floors would the average person who visits go up/down per visit?
about 7 years
also make sure your answers can apply to a good chunk of that list guys!! sneaky spy