The Hosts
Ally and eatemuptigs
Saturday, September 23rd, 7PM EST
The Game:
Throughout the history of Survivor, there has always been a divide, between the Heroes, and the Villains. The Heroes, players that are praised for their loyalty, and the Villains, players who are praised for their cunningness and cutthroat play. These two sides exist in harmony, however there are always questions as to which side comes out on top.
Ally and I will be hosting Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, on Saturday, September 23rd at 7PM EST. We will be sorting the Heroes and the Villains tribes ourselves, so the only thing we need you to do is to reserve. We are accepting a MAXIMUM of 24 players total.
1) Spleg
2) xSoniaNeverMindx
3) Knife
4) ItsRob
5) Lobo
6) Kloading
7) Vibrage
8) FFSierraDamnThomas
9) Elfen
10) sodadoda1
11) Bob01
12) Picante
13) flippo135
14) Amadeo
15) JohnBatman
16) MonteCarrlo
17) Bjole
18) hasdanta
19) evolpz
20) deandean
21) Nicol
22) hedger
23) FireDragonPrince
24) cjn104
2) SecurityBot
3) dameme12
4) Spadez0
5) Kulaidx
6) FontsGuy
7) freshman
8) wisepine
9) BblgumLoli