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Heroes vs Villains

deletedalmost 7 years

The Hosts

Ally and eatemuptigs

Saturday, September 23rd, 7PM EST

The Game:

Throughout the history of Survivor, there has always been a divide, between the Heroes, and the Villains. The Heroes, players that are praised for their loyalty, and the Villains, players who are praised for their cunningness and cutthroat play. These two sides exist in harmony, however there are always questions as to which side comes out on top.

Ally and I will be hosting Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, on Saturday, September 23rd at 7PM EST. We will be sorting the Heroes and the Villains tribes ourselves, so the only thing we need you to do is to reserve. We are accepting a MAXIMUM of 24 players total.


1) Spleg

2) xSoniaNeverMindx

3) Knife

4) ItsRob

5) Lobo

6) Kloading

7) Vibrage

8) FFSierraDamnThomas

9) Elfen

10) sodadoda1

11) Bob01

12) Picante

13) flippo135

14) Amadeo

15) JohnBatman

16) MonteCarrlo

17) Bjole

18) hasdanta

19) evolpz

20) deandean

21) Nicol

22) hedger

23) FireDragonPrince

24) cjn104


2) SecurityBot

3) dameme12

4) Spadez0

5) Kulaidx

6) FontsGuy

7) freshman

8) wisepine

9) BblgumLoli

Favorite Survivor Player? (Don't kill me if I didn't include your faves)
Fan Favorite Game Changer Sierra Dawn Thomas
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Tony Vlachos
Boston Rob
Russell Hantz
David Wright
Shane Powers
almost 7 years

deandean says

jack says

deandean says

jack says

deandean says

im in. IM gonna be a hero

yeah that worked out real well last time

I was a villain last time. This time IM gonna be a hero.

alexkapranos was on the heroes tribe

Because AlexKapranos is a god damn hero.

fcking me over has never once been a heroic act
deletedalmost 7 years

bboy29 says

I'll tenta for now. I can always change later :). BTW, is this an official EatemupVivor or no?

This is not an official EatemupVivor. This is a game Ally and I wanted to just host for fun :)
deletedalmost 7 years

jack says

deandean says

jack says

deandean says

im in. IM gonna be a hero

yeah that worked out real well last time

I was a villain last time. This time IM gonna be a hero.

alexkapranos was on the heroes tribe

Because AlexKapranos is a god damn hero.
almost 7 years

deandean says

jack says

deandean says

im in. IM gonna be a hero

yeah that worked out real well last time

I was a villain last time. This time IM gonna be a hero.

alexkapranos was on the heroes tribe
deletedalmost 7 years

jack says

deandean says

im in. IM gonna be a hero

yeah that worked out real well last time

I was a villain last time. This time IM gonna be a hero.
almost 7 years

deandean says

im in. IM gonna be a hero

yeah that worked out real well last time
deletedalmost 7 years
im in. IM gonna be a hero
almost 7 years
Roses are red
Violets are blue
FFGCBR Sierra Dawn Thomas is an icon
and so are you <3
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Me pls
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
i'll tenta reserve
deletedalmost 7 years
I'll tenta for now. I can always change later :). BTW, is this an official EatemupVivor or no?
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
I would like to reserve :D
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
i wonder if i qualify as a hero or a villain these days

prob v but meh

almost 7 years
almost 7 years

eatemuptigs says

Voice says

ok but I'm bisexual so what team am I on

I thought you were straight

I'm gay for our savior jesus christ
almost 7 years
fück it i might kill my sleep cycle for this sh!t
almost 7 years
I think I'll be free so I'll reserve!
deletedalmost 7 years

Voice says

ok but I'm bisexual so what team am I on

I thought you were straight
almost 7 years
Reserved I guess
almost 7 years
reserve pls