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Heroes vs Villains

deletedalmost 7 years

The Hosts

Ally and eatemuptigs

Saturday, September 23rd, 7PM EST

The Game:

Throughout the history of Survivor, there has always been a divide, between the Heroes, and the Villains. The Heroes, players that are praised for their loyalty, and the Villains, players who are praised for their cunningness and cutthroat play. These two sides exist in harmony, however there are always questions as to which side comes out on top.

Ally and I will be hosting Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, on Saturday, September 23rd at 7PM EST. We will be sorting the Heroes and the Villains tribes ourselves, so the only thing we need you to do is to reserve. We are accepting a MAXIMUM of 24 players total.


1) Spleg

2) xSoniaNeverMindx

3) Knife

4) ItsRob

5) Lobo

6) Kloading

7) Vibrage

8) FFSierraDamnThomas

9) Elfen

10) sodadoda1

11) Bob01

12) Picante

13) flippo135

14) Amadeo

15) JohnBatman

16) MonteCarrlo

17) Bjole

18) hasdanta

19) evolpz

20) deandean

21) Nicol

22) hedger

23) FireDragonPrince

24) cjn104


2) SecurityBot

3) dameme12

4) Spadez0

5) Kulaidx

6) FontsGuy

7) freshman

8) wisepine

9) BblgumLoli

Favorite Survivor Player? (Don't kill me if I didn't include your faves)
Fan Favorite Game Changer Sierra Dawn Thomas
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Tony Vlachos
Boston Rob
Russell Hantz
David Wright
Shane Powers
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years
can I reserve?
almost 7 years
gonna unreserve sorry!
deletedalmost 7 years
unreserve as well. even tho i really wanted to play, i have schoolwork to do. plus, after recent events, i think i want to take a break from playing survivor and just stick to hosting. also, i want someone on the waitlist to get in since they really want to. hope you understand! p.s what tribe would I have been on? Hero or Villain?
almost 7 years
unreserve (i work early tomorrow)
almost 7 years
Reserve (even though this is late???)
almost 7 years
can i be a alt?
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
can i play in this?
almost 7 years

sodadoda1 says

First reserve for if someone pulls out! :)

almost 7 years
First reserve for if someone pulls out! :)
almost 7 years
Howdy can I play
almost 7 years
On a related note, Jacob and I will also be hosting a game on Saturday. The game where more people show up will determine the lobby's cutest couple!
deletedalmost 7 years
bump! Reminder that this game is on Saturday and that we will try and sort the tribes before the game starts!
almost 7 years
am i a hero or a villain?
almost 7 years
reserve me as a villain who goes good, everyone loves a redemption arc
deletedalmost 7 years
i said i would too...
deletedalmost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years
Villains are obviously always on top.... I mean that's how you win the game... making cutt throat and awesome moves.
almost 7 years
tenta (if i can wake up lmao)
almost 7 years