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The Resistance - Game

about 7 years


Current Game Status

Evil Wins!


  1. Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga [SUCCESS]
  2. Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas [FAILURE]
  3. Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo [FAILURE]
  4. Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff [SUCCESS]
  5. Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra [FAILURE]

Past Team Propositions

  • Jack: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra - (Approved)
  • Lelmoo: Elfen, Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Cammy: Was auto-rejected
  • Ultra: Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff - (Accepted)
  • Jeff: Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo - (Accepted)
  • Ginga: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Arisuu: Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas - (Accepted)
  • Vibrage: Vibrage, Lelmoo, Jeff, Jack - (Rejected)
  • Elfen: Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga - (Accepted)

Sending in Actions

When you want to send a game action (proposing a team or accepting/rejecting a mission), bold your action.

You can bold a comment by doing this: [b]Your Comment[/b]

If you are on the team and the mission is a go, you will send the pass or fail slip by private messaging me.

A rule that I forgot to add, is that you are not allowed to edit or delete any of your posts. So don't do that.

Finally, you are always free to message me your thoughts on what you think is going on, reads, etc. Doesn't matter if you're a player or a spectator.

about 7 years
Everyone sheep me I used 'as evidenced' twice properly while plastered
about 7 years
I too have a real life outside this website, as evidenced by my copious drinking. But that doesn't make you auto town, as evidenced by your scummy ish
about 7 years
Ffs lol
about 7 years
That being said what a scummy response lmao he got so caremad over one small offhand remark
about 7 years

Vibrage says

I also stated I was a birthday party. Sorry I have a real life besides a website. I stated my opinion and rejected it myself. If that makes me scum then sobeit lol. I'm not gonna waste my entire f'in life on this thread though bish

if I wasn't on mobile I would post the "woah just take it easy man" gif from Drake and Josh
about 7 years

Vibrage says

I'm actually going to go ahead and REJECT this mission. I don't find any good reads from Ginga, arisuu is being pretty scummy in my opinion, and Jack made a decent point in saying that it's good to gather reads before moving forward. I liked about participating because I have a birthday party to go to, but I'll be here later tonight!

Vibrage says

Well I'm leader on this next one, so let's discuss and I'll get my reads so I can make a decision.

Vibrage says

I should rephrase, go ahead and discuss while I'm at the party so I can gather reads lol

I made 3 posts clearly stating what I wanted to happen. So go ahead and b*tch that I complained, but I pushed with how much I thought was necessary. It honestly makes me believe you are grasping for something to freak out about.
about 7 years
God damn I make one small complaint and get blown up about it lol
about 7 years
I also stated I was a birthday party. Sorry I have a real life besides a website. I stated my opinion and rejected it myself. If that makes me scum then sobeit lol. I'm not gonna waste my entire f'in life on this thread though bish
about 7 years
Ok remember when I said ignore posts I make between 10-3. Yeah don't listen to that bc bob is fuggin dumb yo but maybe not scum. And vibrage didn't try hard enough to get this rejected but then complained it got passed, thus making him pretty f'in scummy
about 7 years

Vibrage says

Ffs you were supposed to reject it. Here's to passing our mission.

then maybe you shoulda have been more vocal in failing it

Also Bob didn't even read the game before making that long post. He deada'ss just posted that before reading cuz HAD HE READ he would know that we were all bent on rejecting it at the end.
about 7 years
Ffs you were supposed to reject it. Here's to passing our mission.
about 7 years

Bob01 says

I am going to Accept this mission because I don't know anything about who anyone is and I think this is a good way to figure it out depending on how this mission goes. I have no evidence against or for any of the people selected for the mission. I see no reason to not let this be the group. And if any of them are evil it would not be a good move to fail this mission right away because we'll automatically know at least one of them is evil, we won't know anything if the mission succeeds.

blatant last scum LMFAO
about 7 years
ACCEPT: Ginga, Arisuu, Cammy, Dariukas, Bob01

REJECT: Jeff, Jack, Vibrage, Lelmoo
about 7 years
The majority vote is in favour of proceeding with the mission! Elfen, Vibrage, and Ginga, you will message me whether you pass or fail the mission.
about 7 years
I am going to Accept this mission because I don't know anything about who anyone is and I think this is a good way to figure it out depending on how this mission goes. I have no evidence against or for any of the people selected for the mission. I see no reason to not let this be the group. And if any of them are evil it would not be a good move to fail this mission right away because we'll automatically know at least one of them is evil, we won't know anything if the mission succeeds.
about 7 years

Jeff says

The sad thing is no matter how right I am, I can't be vindicated of Cammy calling me dumb until post game

omg i didn't mean u were dumb i meant your read on me OMG i don't think you're dumb at all
about 7 years

Jeff says

Vibrage says

I'm actually going to go ahead and REJECT this mission. I don't find any good reads from Ginga, arisuu is being pretty scummy in my opinion, and Jack made a decent point in saying that it's good to gather reads before moving forward. I liked about participating because I have a birthday party to go to, but I'll be here later tonight!

what does Arisuu have to do with it when she wasn't even on the mission

I understand that she isn't in the mission, but I was gonna be busy and stated my opinion on what I've read just as everyone else has. Sorry if that was wrong? Anyways we are arriving now, so I'm getting off my phone. Good luck in your future endeavors!
about 7 years
also im giggling that this mission lives or dies based on bob's vote
about 7 years
did someone say it was scummy to accept like bruh i wanna prove my worth so ofc im accepting
about 7 years

Vibrage says

I'm actually going to go ahead and REJECT this mission. I don't find any good reads from Ginga, arisuu is being pretty scummy in my opinion, and Jack made a decent point in saying that it's good to gather reads before moving forward. I liked about participating because I have a birthday party to go to, but I'll be here later tonight!

what does Arisuu have to do with it when she wasn't even on the mission
about 7 years
The sad thing is no matter how right I am, I can't be vindicated of Cammy calling me dumb until post game
about 7 years

Vibrage says

Well I'm leader on this next one, so let's discuss and I'll get my reads so I can make a decision.

good idea cause our current leader is mia
about 7 years
I should rephrase, go ahead and discuss while I'm at the party so I can gather reads lol
about 7 years
Well I'm leader on this next one, so let's discuss and I'll get my reads so I can make a decision.
about 7 years
I shall Reject this mission as well. Basically for the same reasons as Jacob said, and in addition. I can't get a read on Elfen. (also ppl who have accepted are hella more scummier than people who have rejected)
I think it would be better if we actually discussed who to send to a mission but that's just my point of view.