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The Resistance - Game

about 7 years


Current Game Status

Evil Wins!


  1. Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga [SUCCESS]
  2. Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas [FAILURE]
  3. Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo [FAILURE]
  4. Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff [SUCCESS]
  5. Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra [FAILURE]

Past Team Propositions

  • Jack: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra - (Approved)
  • Lelmoo: Elfen, Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Cammy: Was auto-rejected
  • Ultra: Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff - (Accepted)
  • Jeff: Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo - (Accepted)
  • Ginga: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Arisuu: Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas - (Accepted)
  • Vibrage: Vibrage, Lelmoo, Jeff, Jack - (Rejected)
  • Elfen: Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga - (Accepted)

Sending in Actions

When you want to send a game action (proposing a team or accepting/rejecting a mission), bold your action.

You can bold a comment by doing this: [b]Your Comment[/b]

If you are on the team and the mission is a go, you will send the pass or fail slip by private messaging me.

A rule that I forgot to add, is that you are not allowed to edit or delete any of your posts. So don't do that.

Finally, you are always free to message me your thoughts on what you think is going on, reads, etc. Doesn't matter if you're a player or a spectator.

about 7 years
You're gonna have to sell me that the people that rejected are scum for me to ever trust you and that would include myself and at least one of Jack and Lelmoo and yeah no.
about 7 years
The fact that you don't trust Bob when he was the deciding vote and went against the grain to pass a mission that you think had 3 goods is so completely past the point of any logic that it can only be made up.
about 7 years
Elfen literally just saved Ginga's entire life in one post.
about 7 years

Jeff says

I don't mean to speak with some atrocious Godfather tone but you have to understand how grating it is to have to read someone reacting to my posts emotionally when I feel every single post I've made is incredibly validated.

I'm not reacting emotionally, bud. I'm doing what I feel is right and logical.
about 7 years

Elfen says

Okay, l really like Vibrage and Ginga now. I was liking Vibrage even from before for rejecting a mission they were in (only a town could do so, hardly a scum since they would have much better things to say), I think if someone were scum they would fail, since there would be room for such a move in the early stages of a game where most of us are inexperienced at.
(I would certainly fail if l were maf and I have an experience in this)
I don't like arisuu for pointing that dari and jeff are blatantly town (i have null on both of them), I don't like Cammy as well, Bob is not helping with no participating. I still need more messages from jack and lelmoo

That's all for now. An ideal team would be Vibrage me Ginga and Bob in this point, I guess

this post changes everything. Elfen is definitely scum lmao.
about 7 years
And I would never accept a mission with Cammy or arisuu in them, big things have to happen for me to remove the sr
about 7 years
I don't mean to speak with some atrocious Godfather tone but you have to understand how grating it is to have to read someone reacting to my posts emotionally when I feel every single post I've made is incredibly validated.
about 7 years

Jeff says

I think you'd find great solace in defending yourself to me but if you'd like to only consider your POV and shut out my opinion I wish you the best of luck in passing your mission! (And by that I mean I'll vehemently deny anything you do if you're ignoring my input when I'm the most logical person here). Emotions in a logic game don't work, sir.

I'm trying to be logical. What I am doing MAKES SENSE. It is an auto pass from me so why would we give that up?
about 7 years
Okay, l really like Vibrage and Ginga now. I was liking Vibrage even from before for rejecting a mission they were in (only a town could do so, hardly a scum since they would have much better things to say), I think if someone were scum they would fail, since there would be room for such a move in the early stages of a game where most of us are inexperienced at.
(I would certainly fail if l were maf and I have an experience in this)
I don't like arisuu for pointing that dari and jeff are blatantly town (i have null on both of them), I don't like Cammy as well, Bob is not helping with no participating. I still need more messages from jack and lelmoo

That's all for now. An ideal team would be Vibrage me Ginga and Bob in this point, I guess
about 7 years
I think you'd find great solace in defending yourself to me but if you'd like to only consider your POV and shut out my opinion I wish you the best of luck in passing your mission! (And by that I mean I'll vehemently deny anything you do if you're ignoring my input when I'm the most logical person here). Emotions in a logic game don't work, sir.
about 7 years
I was upset because of how he was calling me scum for no reason as I've already explained. It is only logical I send myself as it would be a pass from me with only 3 possible spots for a spy. I've been trying to discuss with you all who the other three spots should go too and feel like I'm wasting my time trying to defend myself to you. So yes I'm going to ignore what you say because I know I'm right. Now instead of blowing me up we need to figure out who is right for this mission.
about 7 years
oh I'm sorry LMAO

I meant I hope that they are not on a mission bc I don't trust them at this point
about 7 years
Lelmoo can you just clarify that post I think it's a bit lost in translation. Did you mean to say that you want all 3 of those named on the mission, because that's what you said.
about 7 years
I'm sure others will follow my suit (:
about 7 years
as long as it's not Dari,Bob,Arisuu aren't on a mission I'm fine!
about 7 years
You were all sad and broken last night that Jack questioned and now you're on some overconfident high I'm not buying into you that easy dude
about 7 years
Suit yourself
about 7 years
K yeah I'm voting no to whatever you send through after that post lol
about 7 years

Jeff says

(you will never be a confirmed pass)

In my eyes I am so yes I am a confirmed pass for my mission.
about 7 years
How about our fourth being between Jack/Arisuu/Dari. I don't particularly read anything good from Arisuu, and I'm having a hard time finding trust in jack, but I still want to believe he's good. Dari has been a wild card for me but I need your opinions
about 7 years
lelmoo is good at wifoming as maf
about 7 years
(you will never be a confirmed pass)
about 7 years

Vibrage says

I'm pretty determined to send Lelmoo and Jeff, those are only two I've felt strongly about. If I need to step back from this one I will, but I don't think it makes sense for me to sit out when I can be a confirmed pass.

i'm game for this
about 7 years
The first round is literally a free scum point. 4 scum in the game, anyone with a brain can see it's moronic for scum to not take a point there even if they are caught there's 3 left. Scum only dodges that point when they suck as's at coding to a partner who will fail so they both just pass cuz scared l0l
about 7 years

Jeff says

No way that all 3 of those people are good. There was two scum and both were too nervous to fail.


I don't look at your team and think that looks town full over scum full