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EatemupVivor 15: All-Stars

deletedalmost 7 years

Saturday, September 2nd, 8PM EST

Hey everyone! I've been hosting EatemupVivors since December, and its time for my fifteenth season this Saturday! This is an invite-only game to play (I'm revealing the cast soon), and if you aren't in the cast and decide you're interested in watching (I might set up a for it or just lynch everyone to the GY, stay tuned) please reserve (I don't expect anyone to reserve but I'm leaving the option open)!

Best Song about stars
All-Star by Smash Mouth
Counting Stars by OneRepublic
Shooting Stars by Bag Riders
A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: ?

This is one of the only people in the cast I actually can't get a good read on. No offense, but she reminds me a bit of an Amber type cast. Someone who's not necessarily irrelevant but not totally memorable either. Sorry Sonia! :/ In all honesty though, I think Sonia is coming in with a good position. She's not entirely active on EM (I think) so no one really knows her (which you would think would be a problem but it's not). Her anonymity might serve her some good, as her threat level might be considerably low. But, she also might not do so well due to her lacking outside connections. I'm reserving judgement on her for now, like Evolpz. I will wait and see what happens with Sonia. For all I know, she could win the whole darn thing! LOL
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: Mid juror

Ginga has a lovable personality, tbqh. I mean, who doesn't love Ginga?! Honestly though, I feel like Ginga is coming in with a huge target on his back, as he basically comp beasted his way to the finals, but I don't see that being an issue. I think he's strong enough in competitions for his tribe to keep him around, and I also think he has a good enough social game to survive even when he doesn't win challenges. My biggest fear for him would be someone taking a shot at him post-merge (that is where I think he is the most vulnerable). I think as long as he can keep some of the major threats in the game for as long as possible, he'll be good. If not, he's sailing straight up creek.
almost 7 years
I'd like to watch
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: Late merge/juror

cjn104, along with some other people on this website, is one of the nicest people I've met on EM. I can already tell going into All-Stars, he's going to have a strong social game. HOWEVER, that being said, I do believe he will be targeted at some point, but not very early. Yes, he is a winner and whatsnot, but out of this cast of people, I doubt he's anyone's first target. I might be eating my words later, but I could imagine a scenario where cjn104 floats his way to f4 w/o doing much in the way of strategy/winning competitions and just flat out socializing with everyone. Watch out, y'all!
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: Late pre-merge, early merge/juror

Evolpz and I have a bit of history lol. I'm going to be honest, at first, I didn't really like him. But after sometime of getting to know him, I actually really started to like the guy. I think a lot of the players who are playing will know what to expect from him either through prior experience or a close bond I am unaware of. Whatever it may be, I do see evolpz making it kind of far. HOWEVER, I think the problem he runs into is similar to LHarney's problem. They're both challenge beasts (Evolpz moreso). If Evolpz makes it to the merge, I can easily see him beasting it out in the challenges. My only worry for him is that sometimes he can play a little too snakey which could get him into trouble. Whether he plays a snake game or not has yet to be seen, so I will withhold judgement until then.
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: Early merge/juror

LHarney is a cool dude. He's silent, but deadly as they say. Unfortunately, I do not believe the silent types make it far in Survivor. Now, I have personally played with LHarney in the past so I can easily pin-point his playing style MOST of the time. He is very hard to read, but if you can figure out if he's on your side, he will be loyal to you til the end. LHarney is strong in challenges, which I think is going to make him a force to be reckoned with pre-merge and definitely someone to keep around for long to help win challenges even if he may or may not be in the majority alliance. His shortcomings might come from being too silent most of the time OR being the challenge threat people want to take out immediately after he loses immunity (similar to Joe in Survivor S31)
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: early pre-merge, late pre-merge

I'm not really liking Chanman123's position going into the game. I know he has a lot of friends on EM through skype, but my worry for him is that he could be seen as an immediate threat to be taken out strictly because of the number of seasons he has played in AND how far he has made it in those respective seasons. I only put him as a pre-merge boot because I could see him getting into an alliance and being blindsided by someone who might want to take a shot at him early.
deletedalmost 7 years
Hey everyone! I know I'm like, an hour or so late to do this cast analysis, but I was busy doing stuff so :doge:. Anyways... let's get into it!
almost 7 years
gimme a spec ticket ty
deletedalmost 7 years
hey everyone! i'm running a bit late. i'm going to start the analysis at 6:30. stay tuned!
deletedalmost 7 years

Here's the spreadsheet that I will be updating throughout the game!

(it will not have the players' individual votes on it, that spreadsheet will remain private until after the game)

App. is what season this will be for each player.
deletedalmost 7 years
Okay, this is the cast! If you'd like to come watch (we'll be doing this on please let me know. I will be posting some documents soon, if anyone has to drop i'll give notice
almost 7 years
I made it mom!
almost 7 years
host a rabbit ill join
almost 7 years
spectator reserve pls
deletedalmost 7 years
Any guesses as to who the last two all-stars are?
deletedalmost 7 years

rs1993 says

Stacked cast btw

Not finished yet ;)
almost 7 years
Stacked cast btw
almost 7 years

bboy29 says

just to let everyone know, i'm going to be doing a cast analysis tomorrow at 6 PM EST once the entire cast is revealed. tune in if you want to see my (irrelevant) thoughts :)

omg can you do one of these when it's my all-stars please?
almost 7 years
Guess I'm all around 4th
deletedalmost 7 years
just to let everyone know, i'm going to be doing a cast analysis tomorrow at 6 PM EST once the entire cast is revealed. tune in if you want to see my (irrelevant) thoughts :)
deletedalmost 7 years
im rooting for ginga <3 <3

and can i reserve a spectator spot
deletedalmost 7 years

bboy29 says

lowkey, i never got the chance to play an EatemupVivor :/. Can I be one of those people you vote off into the GY so I can watch the game?

I might be trying something new for spectating, I'll keep you updated!
deletedalmost 7 years
lowkey, i never got the chance to play an EatemupVivor :/. Can I be one of those people you vote off into the GY so I can watch the game?
almost 7 years

Ginga says

whats an eatemupvivor

something i won