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EatemupVivor 15: All-Stars

deletedalmost 7 years

Saturday, September 2nd, 8PM EST

Hey everyone! I've been hosting EatemupVivors since December, and its time for my fifteenth season this Saturday! This is an invite-only game to play (I'm revealing the cast soon), and if you aren't in the cast and decide you're interested in watching (I might set up a for it or just lynch everyone to the GY, stay tuned) please reserve (I don't expect anyone to reserve but I'm leaving the option open)!

Best Song about stars
All-Star by Smash Mouth
Counting Stars by OneRepublic
Shooting Stars by Bag Riders
A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
deletedalmost 7 years
Another sub, Elfen is now playing instead of hals!
deletedalmost 7 years
BTW eatemuptigs, I have a prediction bootlist. Note: like my predictions, these might be completely wrong, and I am okay with that.

1. Knife
2. Tillie
3. Otherscott
4. Jbomber732
5. Cjn104
6. Hals
7. Bryce1997
8. Ally
9. Ginga
10. FDP
11. Matt
12. Evolpz
13. Chanman123
14. Alexroberts
15. xSoniaNeverMindx
16. PyreTheGod
17. Ahrre
18. Hyperro

Jury starts at 11 in my bootlist and there's a swap at f14. Hope I get some of these right!
deletedalmost 7 years
There goes my LHarney prediction. :rip:
deletedalmost 7 years
Due to a change of plans, matt will now be playing in LHarney's spot!
almost 7 years
I'm so hyped
almost 7 years

bboy29 says


Prediction boot: Pre-merge

I think he's out one of the first 3 boots. If he's not, then I will personally make an alt called bboy29sucksateverything and use it for a whole month. Just putting that out there. But yeah, I don't really have high hopes for him, but if he proves me wrong, hats off to him.

I'm calling your bluff right now
deletedalmost 7 years

KatyaWasRobbed says

can i get a spec ticket? im not sure if i can be there at the start of the game but might be able to join midway

Just join the whenever you show up! I'll be unlocking the room when the game starts and anyone can join! It won't offer any advantage to any players to join so i'm okay with it being totally open
almost 7 years
can i get a spec ticket? im not sure if i can be there at the start of the game but might be able to join midway
deletedalmost 7 years
Okay, eatemupVivor 15 is TONIGHT! I will be hosting the game on eatemuptigs, and having my "eat" account in the game, logged in on the so that you can see whats going on in the game! I will open the once eat is in the game with eatemuptigs. The room will be I look forward to everyone watching, and playing! Good luck to all competitors!
almost 7 years
all star by smash mouth is not better than counting stars!!
deletedalmost 7 years
That wraps up everybody! Overall, I think you have a pretty good cast here, Eat! Everyone hopefully will give it 100% of their effort. I know eatemuptigs has probably put a lot of effort into this game, so I expect the same out of all of you. I might be totally wrong on my predictions, but they're irrelevant opinions anyways. Oh well. Hope you guys enjoyed my reviews! If you want to send me a PM for more analysis behind why I gave you the placement I did, hit me up! Until next time, good luck guys and may the best person win!
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction boot: ?

This is another person like Sonia that I really can't get a good read on him. I'm almost inclined to say he will make it far, but this will only be his second game, so I could be WAY off. Like a few other people, I could see him being a pre-merge boot, just due to the fact that threats want to keep the threats in for as long as possible and I don't really see this guy being a threat in any sense of possible imagination. Once again, just my two cents.
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction boot: Pre-merge

This one required little to ZERO thought at all. Sorry Hyperro, but I don't think you're making it far buddy. It's nothing personal against you, but I feel like Hyperro will be the type of player that everyone is like "WE GOTTA GET THIS GUY OUT! HE'S A THREAT!" Idk this is just my prediction but I think he's out one of the first 3 boots. If he's not, then I will personally make an alt called bboy29sucksateverything and use it for a whole month. Just putting that out there. But yeah, I don't really have high hopes for him, but if he proves me wrong, hats off to him.
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction boot: Finalist

Bold prediction, I know. But judging on this cast, I think it can happen. Tillie is very sweet and likeable. While some may mistake this as a threat in terms of jury votes, some may see this as someone they want to keep around strictly b/c she's nice. I could see a scenario where she goes pre-merge, like if she ends up flopping in challenges. HOWEVER, I do think she will have a similar path like hals, where she'll float to about f4 or so, but unlike hals, she'll be able to wiggle her way into the finals. With all of that being said, I do NOT think she is winning the season. I could see someone dragging her to f2 for an easy win, tbh. She could be that nice girl that doesn't make a WHOLE lot of moves, which could end up biting her in the you know what. But she could surprise me. Just know that I'm rooting for you, tillie!
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction boot: Early merge/jury

Ironically, every game I have EVER played with Ally, she's gone out in eighth place, and I unfortunately see the same fate happening to her here. I think Ally will have an easy time making friends in the game, or just people to work with in general. She might come off as a bit of a challenge threat (I'm blanking on if she's good at challenges or not :/) but I don't see anyone taking a shot at her pre-merge. If they do, I think she will be well-insulated at that point, so any shot won't matter. I worry though that come the merge, if all the threats are out of the way, I fear she could become a huge threat. If I were her, I would employ the same strategy as Ginga, Evolpz, and LHarney and try to keep the big threats in for as long as possible. If she doesn't then... GIRL YOU IN TROUBLE!!!
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction boot: Pre-merge (sorry ahrre :()

While I will always remember ahrre for the guy who was idoled out in my first game after I attempted to save him, I am sad to say that I think ahrre will not make jury. Like Sonia and alexroberts, I don't see him being a huge threat, which will serve him some good in the early portion of the game. HOWEVER, I could see Ahrre going out pre-merge in a similar fashion as alexroberts. He is also someone that I think is just naturally a passive person and I don't really know if he will be able to wiggle himself out of a tough scenario (like losing all of his allies, for example). I'll just wait until tomorrow to see. For all we know, two days from now, ahrre could be the winner of Eatemuptigs All Stars and I would be eating all of these words LOL. I just want him to prove me wrong. PROVE ME WRONG AHRRE!
almost 7 years

MegaRaptor789 says

knife is gonna be 1st boot. my prediction

mine too. thanks bboy!
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction boot: 4th/3rd place r.obbed goddess (substitute) as well as late merge/juror

Bryce is someone I feel like just judging off his past experience playing EatVivor and with him personally in games before, I think he is going to be making it pretty far folks so be warned! I feel like bryce1997 is going to win the hearts of many and pull a similar thing like cjn104 and be too likeable to vote off. But there will come a point where someone will say "Who can I beat in the end?" and Bryce is definitely not one of them imo. I could be COMPLETELY wrong, but I think it's safe to say bryce1997 is another person to pencil in for the jury. I don't see how he goes out early, I actually see him going far. Just my two cents.
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction boot: 4th/3rd place r.obbed goddess

jbomber is someone I see doing very well. He's the type of player that will hide in the shadows and then strike when he gets the chance, making him very deadly. I can see him playing a very passive, yet strong game, cutting any dead weight that's holding him down or anyone who's standing in his way. The reason I think he will go out late is b/c I feel like people will start to catch onto his game and realize he is way to likeable to go to f3 or f2. That is the point where he will be cut, or r.obbed. Either way, it will be truly heartbreaking...

HAHA NAH! He's prob going out pre-merge or something :doge: I dunno, I'm doing this for fun lol
almost 7 years
knife is gonna be 1st boot. my prediction
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction boot: He doesn't get booted. He wins

I know what you guys might be thinking. RIGGED! BBOY KNOWS KNIFE AND IS FRIENDS WITH HIM ASKJFFLASJGAL. I understand that sentiment, but I assure you, I am not making him my winner pick for nothing. I think the thing about Knife that makes him so likeable is his ability to befriend almost everyone. Even if he snakes you, he still makes sure that you think you're still with him, when 9/10 times you might not be. I can easily see him having the following path:

- Starts out on a winning tribe with a core four alliance.
- Makes it to a swap, where some of his alliance members get pagonged.
- Forced to work with the opposing tribe at the merge, doing their dirty work by taking out one of his closest allies.
- Pulling off a big blindside after convincing people to flip.
- Winning f5/f4/f3 immunity to get to the end.

I think Knife has all the skills to make it far: he's sociable, he's strategic, and he's strong in challenges. Even if he doesn't win, he will still make it far. KNOW THAT!
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: pre-merge

This may shock a few folks, but I'm putting this guy (or girl, sorry, I don't know you :/) in the pre-merge slot because I don't think he's going far. ONLY b/c of his previous placements. I think being a winner coupled with the fact that he has made f5 twice, technically, will put off red flags in those who think like me who are asking themselves "Who do I want to carry farther in the game? Some guy who made f5 twice and won or someone who has played 4 times and never won once?" I don't have a lot of things to say about him, so like a few others, I'll reserve judgement until I can say more.
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: late merge/potential finalist

I'm going to be honest. Hals and I have a rocky relationship. However, in this game, I want her to SLAY these people. I think she has what it takes to win. I do think her social game is strong (not strong enough to beat Ginga in Redemption Island tho) and she generally places within the top 11. I could see her being that type of person who just floats on by and manages to get to f5 by really doing nothing but working her social game. The one fear I have is that she is going to be taken out at f5 b/c people are going to realize what a threat she could pose and that might end up biting her in the butt. But, I think if she has a loyal ally by her side, she should be good. I have no doubts though that Hals is making jury.
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: Pre-merge

:O Huh? What? Alexroberts premerge??? Let me explain. I think alex is a cool guy. Do I think he's going far in All Stars? No. Could I be completely wrong? Yes. Here are my thoughts: I feel like alex is one of those people with little to no target on their back initially. Starting off the game, I could see him doing well in terms of socializing and getting into the majority. However, due to everyone in All Stars coming to play (hopefully), I feel like it would be in their best interest to get someone like him out early. Alex is one of those people you could pencil into a f6/f5/f4 b/c he's SO darn likeable, it's hard to get rid of him. But for people like Ginga and FDP to succeed, I think it would be in their best interest to take out the people with no targets on their back, as they will be the ones sitting in the finals. Just my hot take :)
deletedalmost 7 years

Prediction Boot: Mid-merge/juror

FDP is situated to do pretty well here, I think. I can tell from who's in the cast that he has a lot of friends and I can see those who he could potentially work with in the future. I'm just now realizing, this cast has like a lot of lowkey challenge #threts. My fear is pretty much the same fear I have for LHarney (dominating too much in challenges) but for now, I say he goes out mid jury b/c I don't think anyone would want to take a shot at him premerge (also if you boot FDP premerge, you're stupid b/c your tribe is going to flop in the challenges :doge:)