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SurvivorORG Season 1 - Cyprus

over 7 years

Survivor: Cyprus ~ Day 63


Gay Tribe

Jury Phase

InfinityMidnight's Finalist Speech:

Plushy's Finalist Speech:

The jurors have 48 hours left to post their own jury speeches. Good luck to InfinityMidnight and Plushy!

If anyone would like to view the game from the Skype Viewing Lounge, please private message a host with your Skype ID.

Good luck castaways!

over 7 years
over 7 years
Rip yuujin D:
over 7 years
Yuujin becomes the third person voted out of Survivor Cyprus.

The castaways receive their Reward Challenge


In this challenge you will explore the world while you try to figure out where you are. The closer you are the more points you will receive. Highest total score wins Reward! You will be playing in Single Player mode.

Enkomi will need to sit two players. And you cannot sit out benfox. Kouklia will need to sit out one player. Those decisions are due in 30 minutes.

Submissions are due by 5PM EST tomorrow
over 7 years
Kouklia wins Immunity!
Enkomi wins Immunity!
Kition, you are heading back to Tribal Council where one of you will become the third person voted out of this game. Votes are due by 7PM EST.
over 7 years
An update since we haven't been around too much!

Kouklia won Reward and sent jgriff plushy and GoldAce to Mount Olympus
over 7 years
Come on in guys! For today's reward challenge you will be playing 2 Truths, 1 Lie

3 members from each tribe must create stories (50 word minimum) and present it to the other tribes. You will have 24 hours to write your stories. The next 24 hours will be used for reading. Tribes must discuss and choose which story is the lie from each person from opposing tribes. If you are correct, you gain a point. Whichever tribe scores the most points wins Reward!
over 7 years
babydoge becomes the second person voted out of Survivor: Cyprus
over 7 years
i never want to see the words ball and toss ever again.
over 7 years
Results are in from the Ball Toss!!!

In 1st Place is Enkomi

In 2nd Place is Kition!

Kouklia, you are heading to Tribal Council!!!

You guys have until 11PM EST Tomorrow to send in your votes. Please use the parchment here to vote and answer the questions that will be posted in your confessionals shortly.

Any votes not sent in will count as self votes and will also result in a strike.
over 7 years
Sammy, Yuujin and Jbomber return from Mount Olympus. Castaways now await their next Immunity Challenge which will be a live endurance challenge!
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
feist got robbed
over 7 years
Congratulations to Enkomi for winning the 2nd reward challenge!


Enkomi has selected sammy, yuujin and jbomber732 to go to Mount Olympus!
over 7 years
Immunity Results

Kouklia wins Immunity!!!

Enkomi wins Immunity!!!

Kition, you are heading to Tribal Council. You have until 11PM EST to answer your tribal questions and send in your votes.
over 7 years
The tribes recieve their first immunity challange!

It’s a sizzling hot day in Cyprus. You must prove your worth

Task of Athena - Jigsaw Puzzle (1 player)
Task of Ares - Odds / Even (1 player)
Task of Hermes - QWOP (1 player)
Task of Poseidon - Constellations (1 player)
Task of Aphrodite - Flag Design (2 players)

This challenge will require all of you to participate
You'll have a little over 24 hours
You'll need to assign yourself the roles of the challenge before you actually start.
Good luck castaways!
over 7 years
Enkomi has selected benfox, marry, and MegaRaptor to go to Mount Olympus.
over 7 years
Congratulations Enkomi for winning the first reward challenge with 164 points!

Kouklia came in second with 132 points and Kition came in third with 131 points.
over 7 years
Alright guys! It's about time for the Reward Challenge! Want to know what you're playing for?

The winning tribe of the reward challenge will receive a hidden immunity idol clue, as well as the opportunity to send one representative from each tribe to Mount Olympus! These 3 individuals will spend time on Mount Olympus where they will have some decisions to make! Worth playing for?

For the first challenge you'll be playing Cool Beans.

The rules are in the document and it is very self explanatory. Please let the hosts know if you have any questions. You'll have until 5PM EST to send in your submission.
over 7 years
draft mei will succeed
over 7 years
We've made a rule change. Drafting will take place in the Viewing Lounge. Thank you for your cooperation!
over 7 years
Pausing, please do not draft atm
deletedover 7 years

plushy x2
ItsRob x2
sammy x2
SirPerior x2
Jpriced x2
benfox2 x2
MegaRaptor789 x2
evolpz x2
yuujin x2
Knife x2
GoldAce154 x2
feist x2
InfinityMidnight x2
BjoleKouklia x2
jbomber732 x2
jgriff x2
babydoge x2
marry x1
deletedover 7 years

plushy x2
ItsRob x2
sammy x1
SirPerior x2
Jpriced x2
benfox2 x2
MegaRaptor789 x2
evolpz x2
yuujin x2
Knife x2
GoldAce154 x2
feist x2
InfinityMidnight x2
BjoleKouklia x2
jbomber732 x2
jgriff x2
babydoge x2
marry x2
over 7 years

We cannot stress this enough.
over 7 years

Okay lads and gents it's time for the fantacy draft! first of all I should mention that this draft will be updated via the VL so while I'll post the players to pick from in this thread, you will have to be on the VL in skype to actually be allowed to pick players, additionally we asked the players to do a write up of themselves so you get to know them more. Here's the link to that

Ok onto the drafting itself, I'll post a list of players multiplied by two (x2) you will pick one of them for your draft and then post the updated list (without the player you just picked) bellow so the next person can pick, you will have to wait 3 hours until you can pick your next player, you can (and should) pick a maximun of 3 players. Once the list runs out of players the next person to pick will restart the list. REMEMBER ONLY PEOPLE IN THE VL SKYPE GROUP CAN PICK PLAYERS, if you want to get added to it so you can pick message any of the hosts on skype or EM.

The players will give their respective draftees points by achiving the following actions:

Pre-Merge Placements (+2)
Merge Placements (+5)
3rd Place (+10)
2nd Place (+15)
1st Place (+25)
Immunity Win During Tribes (+3)
Individual Immunity Win (+5)
Reward Win During Tribes (+1)
Individual Reward Win (+3)
No Votes In Tribal Council (+1)
No Votes In Tribal Council for 5 Consecutive Tribal Councils (+5, +1 for each continuous Tribal Council)

And also I should mentione the winner of the fantasy draft will get a prize in the form of tokens!

Here's the list:

plushy x2
ItsRob x2
sammy x2
SirPerior x2
Jpriced x2
benfox2 x2
MegaRaptor789 x2
evolpz x2
yuujin x2
Knife x2
GoldAce154 x2
feist x2
InfinityMidnight x2
BjoleKouklia x2
jbomber732 x2
jgriff x2
babydoge x2
marry x2