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SurvivorORG Season 1 - Cyprus

over 7 years

Survivor: Cyprus ~ Day 63


Gay Tribe

Jury Phase

InfinityMidnight's Finalist Speech:

Plushy's Finalist Speech:

The jurors have 48 hours left to post their own jury speeches. Good luck to InfinityMidnight and Plushy!

If anyone would like to view the game from the Skype Viewing Lounge, please private message a host with your Skype ID.

Good luck castaways!

over 7 years
ItsRob joins the jury!

InfinityMidnight wins Immunity

Votes are due at 8PM EST
over 7 years
over 7 years
me when ItsRob is winning this

slay <3
over 7 years
Tribal Council

Knife becomes the sixth member of the Jury. The castaways receive their next Immunity Challenge!

You guys will need to put this puzzle together in the shortest time possible. The player to do so will secure a spot in the Final Four! You may not abstain, the challenge is due at 9PM EST, tomorrow.
over 7 years
Immunity Challenge Results

Sammy wins Immunity!

Marry uses an Exile Advantage, allowing her to skip Tribal Council and granting her a spot in the final five!

One of ItsRob, Plushy, Knife, and InfinityMidnight will become the 6th member of our Jury!

Votes are due at 10 PM EST.
over 7 years
Welcome to your final reward challenge! You’ve been on the island for more than 40 days and you must be starving. Today we’ll be having a Cook-off, where you must create and present a main dish to the judges. You must select one theme ingredient to be the main ingredient, it must be the focus of the dish. There will be other available ingredients listed from Cyprus to help enhance your dish. You may use any cooking equipment. It can be presented on powerpoint presentation, google slides, word document, an image, or any other platform that would be easily available to the judges. For any questions regarding this challenge and the ingredients, please ask in your confessional chat.

This challenge is due at 9PM EST on Thursday, September 28th, giving you 35 hours left to prepare and present your dish.

Your dish will be judged on originality, effort and appeal. Whoever wins this challenge with the most points will win a trip to Mount Olympus and pick someone else to go along with them! Worth playing for?

Survivors ready…


Full list of ingredients in the doc:
over 7 years
gl f6 though <3
over 7 years
jbomber deserved better and that's the true tea
over 7 years
Jbomber732 joins the Jury!

The Final Reward Challenge of the Season will be announced soon!
over 7 years
over 7 years
Knife wins Reward!
over 7 years
Knife won Immunity and jgriff joins the Jury
over 7 years
Thread has been updated, sorry for the delay!
over 7 years
Knife wins Reward and takes jbomber732 to Mount Olympus.

Bjole has been medically evacuated due to personal issues.
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
"mary: i stab marry
Sent on:1:53 pm

Jacob (Vibrage) has removed mary from this conversation"

can't get backstabbed
if you get frontstabbed
over 7 years
jbooger also bullied everyone
deletedover 7 years

MegaRaptor789 says

CONGRATS to really gay jboob for winning stab and massacring the rest of the competition! sammy u stood no chance hahaha (help)

over 7 years
CONGRATS to really gay jboob for winning stab and massacring the rest of the competition! sammy u stood no chance hahaha (help)
over 7 years
mega needs to be a permanent host pls remove him from the game thank
over 7 years
COME ON IN HOMOSEXUALS today we are gonna have like 2 tribals or something and its like complicated and #TWISTSS and yea so heres the other challenge for the 2nd tribal's immunity gayboi's
over 7 years
COME ON IN HOMOSEXUALS today we are playing 24 hour stab for immunity ok bye
over 7 years
also u can click on the names to see the wonderful talents ok thanks
over 7 years
hello i am mega and am here to confess my love to ahrre the best host around. he is very nice and not forceful at all! he is really good at i think everything and is very good at posting challenges only like 30 mins late! he is also uhh really coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool and is funny and very helpful with tips on how to kill yourself by stabbing to remove stomach pain or something along those lines. overall the other hosts all bow down to ahrre and listen to his expertise bc im sure it was his idea to make cyprus a desert island so he is def fbrimming with genius (except with a certain game he played.... jk ily ahrre!)
over 7 years
oh forgot the mention im a slave now for the hosts. ye you heard me the 1700's are back in style!