almost 10 years

keep it civilized you pigs

and don't post facebook links that's stupid

almost 5 years

char says

basiik, mssbooklover says ur pretty but she can’t comment but i wanted you to know that we both think ur pretty

thank u <333
almost 5 years
basiik, mssbooklover says ur pretty but she can’t comment but i wanted you to know that we both think ur pretty
almost 5 years

lol dab
almost 5 years
i did a thing and 8 inches later here we go

almost 5 years
hmm tempted
almost 5 years

D3xTr0m3th0rph4n says

you guys look great
almost 5 years

juicejuice says

Myx says

im tired of love songs

If I was gay I would date bro. Here's my numba
+91 Six, seven, eight, triple, nine, eight, two, one, two

lel thanks man ;D
almost 5 years
almost 5 years

Myx says

im tired of love songs

If I was gay I would date bro. Here's my numba
+91 Six, seven, eight, triple, nine, eight, two, one, two
almost 5 years

probablytown says

tannyboi says

That's one giant hand

lol dead
almost 5 years
almost 5 years

tannyboi says

almost 5 years

tannyboi says

That's one giant hand
almost 5 years
almost 5 years

look what i found !
almost 5 years

cozy says

juicejuice says

cozy says

now i really wanna get my septum pierced ahhh

So when are we getting married again?

whooo youuuuuu

bro i cant believe someone just tried to finesse MY wife thank god shes loyal
almost 5 years
almost 5 years

kidneybeans says


Visual representation of me mishammering

What did I do wrong? With the post, not the mishammer.
almost 5 years

Visual representation of me mishammering
almost 5 years

Jeff says

unreal eyes... :o
almost 5 years
almost 5 years
almost 5 years

Myx says

im tired of love songs

are you straight yet
almost 5 years

im tired of love songs
about 5 years

ReturnOfTheMack says

Return of the BAE more like amirite <3