deleted almost 7 years
Shoopie says Just to say I've done this too. I really don't look my age. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The prettiest girl I know <3. I'd be jealous about hiding this picture from me but to be fair having you to talk to is what really makes us bond. I love you, dear ;)
cozy says Shoopie so pretty <3 Aww ty (:
deleted almost 7 years
Shoopie says Just to say I've done this too. I really don't look my age. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'M COMINGGGGGGG
BSelser says what the heck shoopie is a human being. and its a grill and its qt af i came. Maybe I should have put a Guy Fawkes mask on.
Shoopie could have remained unhuman.
Edark says Hanna about to get BTFO, watch out for steve Shoopie I'm not into poets.
deleted almost 7 years
Edark says xela says edark pretending someone else is actually thirstier than he is lol listen here you little fk bABy sqiuGGzzzz & tHe fUCCboi ALL-sT***Rz - tHe tENsION iS paLPaBLe iN hERE
xela says edark pretending someone else is actually thirstier than he is lol listen here you little fk
edark pretending someone else is actually thirstier than he is lol
Hanna about to get BTFO, watch out for steve Shoopie
what the heck shoopie is a human being. and its a grill and its qt af i came.
Just to say I've done this too.
I really don't look my age.
LyRiCz says It wasn't an irl fight, it was a virtual war. One that led to a victory for R!OT. Talk sht get hit mofkers hello
JM123 says watch me having fun with my balls by susbcribing to my youtube channel hi i got balls
Mhmmmm says Looking shredded. Keep up the good work, stay swole :) I appreciates <3
we all gonna make it brah
Looking shredded. Keep up the good work, stay swole :)
any of u wastemen want to catch these hands meet me outside subway on st james st. ill show u what the happens when u mess with the E17 massive
It wasn't an irl fight, it was a virtual war. One that led to a victory for R!OT. Talk sht get hit mofkers
deleted about 7 years
isnt lyricz one of those people who tried getting into IRL fights with the top families?
Bebop just you got a belly like a six pack of calrsbergs doesn't give you the reason to hate on my friends abs. Dw man I know you're just envious, I know you'll make it one day, just focus on being postive about yourself rather than being negative about others
Haters gonna hate, angry at me cos you only got chocolate chip doughnuts on your dinner plates