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Defile or Decorate

almost 7 years

Welcome to the Sandbox Temple. Here you can worship your favorite owner - start by placing an item sacred to the owner next to the bust of the owner.

Conversely, defile a bust of an owner which you dislike!


               Chris                           Platy


               Kenny                           Golb


               Hima                          Garden


            Brad (who?)                       Bebop


              Jimbei                           Fred


                Baa                           Jamal


              Merlot                            Cub




The temple was destroyed and looted, as is everything in sa(n)dbox

almost 7 years

chris told me to post this on his behalf.
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
I'd put some mayo next to all of em
almost 7 years
what year was this thread posted i feel like ive gone back in time to better days to see hima and kenny active at the same time
almost 7 years
this is a good thread
almost 7 years
remember the bad april fools joke where the government had taken over sandbox or whatever thats the owner i worship
almost 7 years

Kenny says

almost 7 years

error says

Erasure!!!!! Mods??????
almost 7 years

Shwartz99 says

baabaa says

clean the mustard off mine ;;

I'm sorry about the defiling of your shrine, but you can smite bane if you'd like in retaliation. There's nothing I can do, I'm just the keeper of the busts!

i shouldve banned him when i had the chance..
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years

baabaa says

clean the mustard off mine ;;

I'm sorry about the defiling of your shrine, but you can smite bane if you'd like in retaliation. There's nothing I can do, I'm just the keeper of the busts!
almost 7 years
clean the mustard off mine ;;
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years

Don't worry, I got this.
deletedalmost 7 years
i'm too lazy

place a burned pizza directly on top of dooze
almost 7 years
You, users, should place objects yourself if you want these legends to truly admire you
deletedalmost 7 years
i place lots and lots and lots of water next to jimbei

haha get it because lapis' powers revolve around water
almost 7 years
sketch a phallic shape into jamal
almost 7 years
place a crown on dooze
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
I put mustard on baabaa.