deletedalmost 7 years


I had a crappy past 24 hours. I've realized I don't really have anyone to vent to/talk to and I know there are probably many of you who feel the same way at least once in a while. So I wanted to encourage some more community support.

We shouldn't take on the role of mental health counselors and anyone having thoughts about hurting themselves and/or others should seek professional help. A lot of us aren't even that close of friends to give any advice or show genuine concern.

That being said, I feel there are a lot of little things we can all do for each other that's simply being compassionate and will open doors for those seeking emotional support. Instead of just being reactive when someone needs help, we can do more to be proactive simply by reminding ourselves that there's a real person behind that weeb avatar or that noavi [citation required].

  • Offer an ear to listen
  • Check in with your friends.
  • Ask people how their day was/future plans
  • think twice before saying something mean
  • post puppers
  • Talk to people you don't normally talk to.
  • Talk to people no one really talks to.
  • Take concerns sincerely.
  • create wholesome threads
  • Be willing to share your own thoughts and emotions. Sometimes it takes a little bravery of your own to help someone open up. You might even feel better yourself.

I'm sure you all can think of more ideas below.

Support Sandbox?
10 signed
I fight for my friends!
almost 7 years
Bump as a general reminder
almost 7 years

somethingwhatever says

im saying what i said on the main lobby version of this thread
I only take support from indian call centers, thnx for the sentiment tho xoxo

That is a-okay!
almost 7 years

ObitoSigma says

How has your day been?

It's been okay, thanks! I've had some highs and some lows but I have to say that the best part of my day was going to a local farm and buying fresh milk, blueberries, pancetta, and locally made bread. Sounds pretentious af but I had a bomb breakfast and it really made my day.
almost 7 years
im saying what i said on the main lobby version of this thread
I only take support from indian call centers, thnx for the sentiment tho xoxo
almost 7 years
Love you Bane. <3
deletedalmost 7 years

ObitoSigma says

BaneofMafia says

Talk to people no one really talks to.

dooze says

great thread

How has your day been?

admittedly im the worst at this but I guess i have to live up to my suggestion. My day was long. I got like 3 hours of sleep before my 8 hour work shift at which I found out a dear coworker died. Also something is very wrong with my ears.
almost 7 years

BaneofMafia says

Talk to people no one really talks to.

dooze says

great thread

How has your day been?
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years
How has your day been, Bane?
almost 7 years
beautiful thread
almost 7 years
great thread
deletedalmost 7 years

hope this helps someone