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terry rankings

almost 7 years

greetings epicmafia community,

here i will grade upon your character. S being the best, D being the worst.

God: error

S: Negra

A+: martyr

A: Christopherzilla, blood4bloodgod, Ace

A-: Bebop, Kapuchino

B+ baabaa, Merlot

B: ObitoSigma, SirAmelio, CoryInConstantinople

B-: Sishen, desta, theturningRAY

C+: dooze, sl0nderman



D: Jimbei

almost 7 years
me pls
almost 7 years
hi terry
almost 7 years
kapu: not as qt as negra but ok

obito: ur ok

jimbei: garbage both mentally and physically, you'd get a F-

sl0nderman: my somewhat likeable homosexual acquaintance. stay strong friend
almost 7 years

dooze says

i dont think i've ever had an interaction with you

ranked C+

caus u seem alright.......but a part of the clique
almost 7 years

Negra says

shut the fck up gaylord

cute assfck

you are ranked S
almost 7 years

dooze says

i dont think i've ever had an interaction with you

consider yourself lucky
almost 7 years
i dont think i've ever had an interaction with you
almost 7 years
shut the fck up gaylord
almost 7 years
post to be ranked, losers